Riarkle 💞

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Ok my third or second fav ship ( I can never decide between this one and Lucaya I swear 🤦‍♀️ Ok so this is one of the most adorable ships in the show and it is better than Smarkle in every single way. I think that Smarkle is too similar to be a couple and as they both said "like forces repel" and Riely and Farkl keep each other grounded in a way. Also they have known each other since they were kids, Farkle saved Rile's life. Riley could teach Farkl how to love and what it means  coz in that legacy ep Farkle asks his science teacher "can feelings be stronger than science" and he told him to keep discovering. Also Smarkle is kinda bland and Riarkle has some rlly great moments like their entire conflict in gm STEM was brilliant I love that episode so much. The fact that Farkle and Riley had their first kiss together (on the chin but still counts). The fact that Riley said in gm Truth that she could never hurt Farkle and made him believe that he is a good actor. In gm farkle's choice when she wanted to win with Maya and get Farkle for herself haha that ep is hilarious btw. I feel like they both have a deeper bond that Smarkle . Like that moment in gm The Lady of New York when Farkle finds out his story and then Riley hugged him to make him feel better awhhhh. Even Riley's bf Lucas said that her and Farkle have the deepest feelings he has ever seen so that is that y'all :)))  Also when they said '"I love you" to each other in gm texas (part three I think xd). Also Farkle has always wanted Riley to be happy and Riley read some Jewish history to get to know Farkle better and got him a menora ( I think that is what it is called) so he might look at stuff different way. Like that just showed how much she cares about him and how awesome of a present that is! Also I could never see Markle happening coz Riarkle makes so much more sense and is adorable. Also that moment when Riley asked Farkle why doesn't he want her to get better at science and he told her he does 😍😍😍. In gm Rileytown when Farkle figured out that someone is bullying Riley and he went to confront her about it coz he cares about her so much. When her and Farkle went on a date in gm Farkle's choice and he gave her away that hippo and said that her giggle is his fav sound in the world. The fact that he said that being Riley was always and always will be Riley's pernament record in gm pernament record. Also Riley is very cheery and Farkle is kinda more serious so they are opposities and they would work great together and ye I love opposites ship and friends to lovers trope ❤❤❤ Also what Farkle did in gm new year to Riles wasn't fair but he meant good so...I am not gonna talk more about that haha
These two are very characteristic characters and if they would get together I would be more that happy! And then lucaya y'all :))) Obvi I ship Rilaya more but disney could at least make two of my other ships happend but they messed it up y'all. Next chapter Imma talk about either Smarkle or Rucas.
Have a nice day y'all !🥰

Overall rating: 10/10 💝💝💝💝💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞

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