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Here is the thing:
Rilaya》Lucaya 》Zaya 》Joshaya
Honestly I don't have a lot to say about this ship. They have a funny dynamic but I feel like Maya's dynamic with Riley and Lucas is stronge but I don't mind to see this ship in the show since Rucas is canon there. I definietly prefer it more than Joshaya . I feel like they don't have that many interactions tho. The most ae could see them interact was in gm bear and that whole scene with Maya pretending to be Zay's gf to make Vanessa jealous wa hilarious.
My oppinion to this ship is like why not? But I don't have any strong feelins connected with it. Oh there was also this one line when Maya said that she is still learing Zay and that was hilarious. It is nice though that Maya welcomed Zay into the friend group and was nice to him since the beginning of season 2. Both of them are very funny characters (ofc except the plotline with Maya's dad).

Overall rating: 6,5/10

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