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Hmmm so where did thus come from coz I literally have no idea. All I can think of is that time that Riley ate his cookie haha and also the first time Zay saw her he called her sugar si that was something I guess. Also she helped make Vanessa jealous  with Maya by pretending to be his gf which was funny. And my fav moment of them is probably when she sang that cookie song. Other than that it doesn't seem like they have interacted a lot. I prefer Zayadora and then Zaya tbh but maybe they wouldn't be a bad couple ? Idk I honestly don't have a strong opinion on this. Oh and that time when he said "you wanna hear a great Riley story?"hahaha But I mean he is Lucas bad and since Rucas is canon I don't think that Zay would even think of stealing Riley away even though he admitted that he loves both girls.

Overall rating : 5/10

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