Rucas 🤔

93 4 17

Another canon ship huh...
This ship has some history y'all. I am not a big fan of it cause it is kinda bland imo similar to Smarkle they are very similar and I prefer opposites ship  and that is why I ship Lucaya over this one. It did have some cute moments tho like when they were washing that car in the beginning of the second season and Riley put that bucket on Lucas's head and kinda pinned  him against that car and how they were sprinkling each other with water. Then also in the gm Texas pt 1 when Riley for the first time ever choose to stay with Lucas instead to go with Maya ( she checked up on her later anyways ;) and when Lucas fell down off that bull and Riley ran up to him to see if he is ok. And lastly the knick's rant cause it is hilarious and the scene when she is wiping paint off Lucas's face in gm rules. Also it is interesting that Lucas chose Mayaville instead of Rileytown I mean he is reasoning did make sense but ye...another reason to ship Lucaya I guess lol. Anyways back to their history it is kinda rich I guess. From the subway back in first ep to the ski lodge through gm texas and Riley stepping back for Maya. I still think that Lucas waiting so long to pick one of the girls was unfair to them and he didn't rlly deserve any of them but oh well. I do like Lucas's character but that thing with the triangle annoyed us all xd I still think that the most interesting resolution of the triangle would be Maya and Riley realising that they are tired of waiting for Lucas and realising their feelings for each other and then dating. Also Rucas is technically parallel to Corpanga but actually Riarkle and Rilaya both make for better parallels! For example Farkle is shown to be very smart just like Topanga and Riley is just like Shawn said "bby Cory" so it works. I am not saying that Lucas is dumb but Farkle is a more fair comparsion he went through similar character development that Topanga did. From a silly boy to a growing up teenager that is still trying to figure who he wanna be. And the Rilaya parallels are for example:Maya wearing Topanga's necklace and Riley and Maya directly saying the same words that Cory and Topanga did in "gm the family game night" and "gm first date". So I found it kinda weird that Rucas was supposed to be like Corpanga but these two ships are more similar. Even Lucaya kinda is if you look at how they sat in class in the first two seasons : Maya in the front, Lucas behind her and Zay behind him. Just like Topanga in the front, Cory behind her and Shawn behind him. So ye...srry for writing so much about other ships but I forgot to mention the parallels in the earlier parts! Also I don't get why couldn't they do a bit of a different relationship like Lucaya or Rilaya or Riarkle to not at least copy the exact same thing again. I know it is a remake and all but Rucas isn't even that similsr to Corpanga so it makes no sense to me. I don't mind this ship though like I said it has some cute moments I just feel like there are other, better and more interesting ships out there but ye I can see why it is so popular.

Overall rating : 6,5/10

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