Taty( Topanga x Katy)

30 2 4

Idk if this ship even exists but I just came up with it lol since they were friends in gmw and stuff. I mean they are both married at this point and they seem happy with their lives and also they seem not interested in each other i  a romantic way and also they are prolly straight but maybe if they met sooner before they got married they could work? And If they were both at least bisexual. I mean I think they would be kinda cute but in the og gmw it could never happen. I got a feeling that they would get each other tho. If this ship would happen then Corshawn would too, it is kinda same with Riarkle and Lucaya and Zayadora.

Overall rating:8/10

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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