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Ok so here is the thing about this ship that I really appreciate is that in any if my au's it just works coz if Rilaya would be canon then Larkle would be canon and this ship too. And If Riarkle and Lucaya would be canon this ship also would be like it just fits in both situations. Like I ship Zay with Vanessa but we don't really know anything about them them in season 3 and if they are broken up I definietly wouldn't mind Zay getting with Isadora . I think this ship is really cute and they get each other. Like my fav moment of them is in girl meets christmas Maya when he have her that book which at first look was rude but then when he started explaining it it was just such a sweet and thoughtful gift. And it showed how much she means to him and that he never wants her to change because she is unique. I think that this ship is also more interesting that Smarkle and it would allow Farkle to be with Riley and hee
Smackle did even include him in the square that would be her , Farkle, Lucas and Zay. And my second fav moment was when in gm sweet sixteen when Smackle was acting like a computer and Zay took her glasses.
Overall I would really like to see how would they work in the show.

Overall rating: 9/10

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