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Not really a gmw ship more like a bmw ship which I haven't watched as much but I still have an opinion on it and since I ran outta gmw ships I figured I would tell y'alll what I think about this one. So Cory and Shawn has been best friends since they were kids and I usually  am all for the childhood friends to lovers trope ( *cough cough* Rilaya) but sometimes I like to keep it platonic and I feel like that is the case here. Like they are soulmates for sure, they complete each other cause they are opposities and they would work well as a couple if they would be interested in each other that way but since they aren't I just can't rlly see them going out yt like it would be almost too perfect in a way if they would. It is different with Rilaya for me also prolly because I am a sucker for lesbian ships but ye also Cory has Topanga and Lucas ain't that strong of a match for Riley so that is another thing and I rlly ship Corpanga so I can't rlly see Corshawn happening , also some of the bmw fans  were being rlly negative to gmw as a whole but that is another story. We don't have to compare everything! But ye Riley and Maya are pretty much parallel to Shawn and Cory in a lotta ways I won't deny that :) Also I am biased towards gmw since I saw all the seasons and I can't say the same about bmw but maybe since it is summer I will but first I wanna finish season 4 of 13 reasons why and season 2 of riverdale.

Overall rating:

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