Chappy 9.5: Community service

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The continuation..
America/Alfred's Pov

"Ugghh." I groaned. Im in charge or Im part of the people who would clean the foot ball field. I know this is where we play FootBall but this is the Janitor's Job!

I raked. here and there. Then suddenly. I saw Arthur from the corner of my eye. "Hello!" I said and waved my hand and gave him with my most happy face. He had a faint blush that crept his face. and turned around. Which is cute. Canada Glanced at me and Waved. He's also cute. But Artie's Adorable. Yeah, Im pansexual. I think i know he feels the same.The way he looks at me every time. He's Watching Me from Afar 

"Psst. Alfred" Gilbert whispered. "Yeah bro?" Prussia. a fallen kingdom. But we still appreciate him. and we still conider him as a nation even though right now he's part of germany.I think he has- "Do you mind If. I like your brother?" He asked. Hmmm.. He and My little bro. They do look awsome. I mean Opposites attract right? "I don't mind manJust-." Then I placed a hand in his sholder. Holding a it as if i don't want to let go nor i want to crush his sholders. "Don't Let him break in the end" I smiled at him giving him a dark smile. (Real America Mode Activated)

I just finished my part of the field and I glaced at England. "Hey england are you alright?" Canada asked. and looked at the obvious exhausted Britain. I stepped forward as they continue to talk. "I think Im fine" England replied and stood up straight for proof. But I know hat he's exhausted. "Are you really?" Canada asked again and Im now Close to England.He replied with a very exhausted voice  "I said im-" England was cut off with him fainting. and I took 3 leaps to reach him and catch him before falling down the field. "I'll Take him to the clinic, don't worry" I said to canada with my assuring smile. I looked at the Prussian guy and I gave him a thumbs up. He nodded.

"Come on Iggy, Let's Go to the clinic" I said. and carried him bridal style. "Oh Arthur, Be safe and what a lucky guy." Canada whispered something that I didn't heard.

I slowly opened the door of the clinic.with Iggy is still in my arms. I opened a curtain which is empty and I placed Arthur in there slowly. "Oh Iggy...please wake up" I said as i held his hand and placed my forhead in his palm. But then I heared some weird noises. I looked at the other Bed. with the curtain is close. Shit. I feel bad. but as a hero. I must protect the school facilities. It took me a minute to build up my courage and I suddenly opened the curtain where I could See france harassing a girl which I am sure that is disturbed and embarass. "Stop it, You Pervert" I said with my very cold voice. "Oui, after this lovely lady let me touch her" And then he hold her arm upwards. I quickly grabbed him in his collar. "You better stop fucking around. She is still a girl. Aren't you a student government?" I said with my straight face. "Amerique. It's you. You know im just Playing around" He said with him hidding his nervious. and holding his arms up for me to know that he has surrender. 

I glanced at the young girl. Her 2 buttons from her blouse is already open. She crossed her legs while huging her self. With her eyes wants  to cry. "You made this girl cry. Just get the fuck out you Fucking nation." I said and shoved him out. I walked back to the girl. "Are you alright?" I asked. "Yea.. Im fine..." Her voice was like my little bro's. Quiet. "Miss Maria?" I asked. "Oh Alfred. Thanks for saving me as she fixed her self. Miss MAria. Art teacher. "What are doing here, do you mind if i ask what happened?"

"Well, I was resting and then he showed up..." Then she contined he story until the time when i came in for show. then she left for her class. I walked back to Arthur. He's Just to cute. "Please come to the festival tomorrow."I brushed my hand in his beautiful cheecks and I slowly leaned into his forhead. And gave him a long slow kiss in his forhead. I left the room with the chinese girl, Doctor came in and I Talked to her with arthur's chase and she told me it would be alright.

Next happy School festival! Hahahaha I have come back. I haven/t touched the pc for a while that's why Im to lazy to update xD hahhaha Sorry! Peace Out!

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