Chappy 4: Our Secret

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ANNNDDD WERE BACK. So chappy 4 will be complete. Sorry. I was so lazy to finish it. I just remembered my promise. I just had to keep it.

Arthur's Pov

HE SAID WHAT NOW?! "N-No! I do want you guys to be together. You are my friend. But... i do love him. I just don't wannah hurt you." Matthew said. "Ok. Thank you. Let's just keep our feeling hidden for now" i said with a caint blush and smile on my face. Matthew agreed and did the same.

After our lunch brake we went back to our jobs exchanging smiles to each other. I think its a good thing people hear me out. I think this is the start of a close friendship(?)

"You guys did well. Here's your paycheck" the employees nodded and took the brown envelope and went to there own destination.

"So wannah go home with me and alfred?" Matyhew asked we both fix our stuff. "Eh?!" "Ok then let's go. Its either alfred's outside the door or we'll meet him outside his door" i said with enthusiam. But his voice is in a normal tone. Maybe that's the scream for his type of voice.

As we opened the door. No one was there. "Hmmm maybe we shou-" "MATTIE!" America's voice boomed out. "What the bloody hell?!" I shouted out. Coz obviously i was shocked. But mattie just gasp. "Oh hey there bristish dude" "hello"

"Let's go home" Canada said with a wink. "Ok canada." He said with a smile. Oh his smile.

Matthew's POV

His smile is just perfect.

Back to Arthur's Pov

Matthew and I glance in each other and giggled.
Bloody Hell we act like where teenage girls.

"Night Iggy" Alfred said and waved. "What did you just call me?!" "Iggy" "well stop that! Anyway. Good night to you two"

And with that they went home.

THEY ARE OUT OF CHARACTER. Imma make them in to the next chappy. So that is that.

P.s. this is short coz this is the continuation of Chappy 4.5

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