Chappy 3: Pancakes

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Hello. Smileys!

Matthew's Pov

I groaned and look at america. He's so cute. I squeeze in my head while forming a cute smile. I do like him. Don't worry he's not exactly my brother anymore cause where both independent and that makes us an individual. Hugging him tight i did. As I look at his cute sleeping face. Adoring it inside my head.

My thoughts were distured by him groaning. "Ugghh. Hm? Oh Morning Matthew" he greeted with his sleepy smile. "Morning Alfred" i said with a cheeky smile.

((:3 i rarely see america x canada to be the conflict in a story so ill make one :3))

"We have part time. I gotto go. Starbucks open at 8:30am" i excused my self and went to my bedroom's bathroom. "Ah. Ok. Me to" was all i heard. Once i left my bedroom. I smelled the sweet arouma of pancakes. I went to the kitchen and looked for alfred but he's no where to be seen. Instead i saw a note stating. Morning canada. I went to work. Enjoy your breakfast. The maple syrup is in the shelf. Bye! ♡ Alfred.

His simple note just makes me smile. :) I ate my breakfast. Brush my teeth and went to starbucks. As i walk pass seychelle's house i saw england. "Good Morning england" i said as i ran towards him. "Oh morning canada. Mind walking with me towards work?" "Ok"

While we where walking. I said to england. "Hey england. America told me that you ran away yesterday. He just greeted you. So why run?" "Ehh?! He told you that?! Ummm... i dunno if i could tell you" he said as he hides his blush. One thing for sure. I think he likes America. Cause when i mention him or make america come or join us he would run away to do his job or hides his blush. "You can tell me anything" I said as i zipped my lips. To make him realize that ill keep his secret. "Ummm.... Im kinda.... In....inlove with him?" I knew it. "Ohhh.. dont worry. Oh where here! Let's just talk after work ok?" I said as i run to the authorize room.

I don't know what to do. I'm also inlove with america. But england is my friend. What if. I let him go? But.... Uggghhh. This is so frustating. Ill just tell england that im also inlove with america. I don't want to be the bitch in the story.ill just let this go out for now.

"What's your order mam?" I said to the nice young lady

And Chappy 3 is done. What could you say? Sorry if i was a bit fast with this confession shit. But ill make it a long one before america and england be together.
Anywho what could you say about the America x Canada time. :3

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