Epilogue and Author

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Epilogue & Author's Farewell

"What do you mean...?" Oliver asked

"I don't know daddy just-"

Another Day was made. Jones was getting stronger and he started to recover at the incident.

Since they graduated and the marrage they would wait another 4 years to go back to school or not at all, being a nation/student. Besides it wad their past time to go to school like children plus it was advised by their bosses.

Oliver went over to his father who was now fixing his tie and gave him a lending hand "you know daddy, Do you think I can do it?" He said innocently

Oliver had grew up into a fine man, after a year he grew up into the new representative of The great Britain and now he's now England "Oliver, i know you can do it" he said as he held his son's face "you look like your mother" He said as he carass his freckles

"Daddy stop it" Oliver said and pout.

"I love you Oliver" He weakly smiled "And I love you to father" oliver said back with a genuine smile.

"Yo, Morning pops" Amelia said, out pf the blue.

Amelia also grew into shape, but she has the shape of her father. She's strong and independent at all cost. He's sportive and powerful but no one know for sure if she's a human or a nation. She also wore a bomber jacket similiar to Alfred.

"You too going to the meeting?" she said looking hurt. "know what, come with us" Alfred said

Amelia lir her eyed up and looked at her father witj enthusiasm and attacked him with a tight hug "UHGGH... THANK YOU!!" She said giggling and He returned the hug

"I love you daddy" Amelia said "I love you too Amelia"


After all of them where suit up and ready for the meeting they all went to the car and drive to the world Meeting

"Good Morning Everyone" Shouted Alfred with a cheerful tone but then suddenly his Coughing his guts out.

"Daddy?!" Amelia Asked worriedly "I'm alright dear" Alfred said with a faint smile

"Alfred san i think-" Kiku wad cutted of my Oliver by looking at him worriedly.

"I think I need to go to the bathroom" Alfred Inform as he dismissed him self

"Wait Dad-" Oliver placed a hand on Amelia's shoulder "it's time..." he trailed off.

Oliver looked at the shocked face of every country in the room and took a deep breath.

Once he gathered the courage to speak up he open his eyes and looked at them with a stern face "Today is the day, My Father the former Representative of America would... Dissappear from the earth's existance" He paused.

"What do you mean?" Asked France

"Dissappear? Like.." Germany Said and stopped for a momment as Amelia stepped forward

"You guys probably know me already but I have to do this properly" She said and waved. She paused and took a deep breath.

"Good Day everyone, My name is Amelia F. Jones The Daughter of Arthur Kirkland the former representative of the United Kingdom of the Great Britain and The Northern Ireland that has soon passed then replaced By Oliver Kirkland. Now to get to the Point. I shall be the new representative of the United States of America." She stopped and looked at them. Italy stood up and suprisingly his face turned into a stern and serious one and opened his eyes.

"I don't want to be rude, but How can you be so sure at the dissappearance of Mister Alfred and Actually say that you're the new Representative of one of the superpower countries"

"Months I was just a young girl but after I am now a strong woman like my father, Didn't you see the way he coughed? It was the sign of his rights and obligations are being passed down to me"

Italy sat down and stayed quiet.

In the Comfort Room Alfred looked at the mirror as he washed his face with water "Is it already my time?" He asked.

He started at his reflection until his existence is slowly dissappearing "No this.. Wait..." He glanced at his hands which is now missing

"No.. NO... Help! HELP HELP!" He cried out until he wad no where to be seen.

The representatives stood and Joined italy at his silence as they heard the Cry of a fallen brother.

Some cried silently

Some stayed quietly

And Some started to get scared

"Farewell Father" the siblings said as they bowed their heads and closed their eyes.




Soon After Alfred woke up in a clear white fluffy place. He examine his self and looked at his hand, felt his skin, and lastly noticed the Halo, the toga and Wings that is placed among his Back.

"where am I?" He questioned, This place looks so quiet and lonely. How would something or someone would actually reply to me He thought

"Alfred?" a familiar british accent and voice was heared from behind, Alfred shook his head because maybe it's just an illusion

"Alfred!" Said by the same voice again

Alfred Gave up and looked from behind; His eyes widened as He saw His--



And it's finally done,

Thank you for reading this even though is all shitty TuT i thank you fo your time and effort I love you people <3

Next chapter the explanations of the settings of the story


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