Chappy 5: Gate

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Arthur's Pov

Another day of school. Standing infront of the school gate besides matthew. Looking at tge students running inside before the gates close.

5........4..........3.............2..........1 *creak* *thud*

"The school gates is officially close" i announced infront of the gate where some students were standing. "PRESIDENT~" every students from the outside protested.

"HEHEHEHEHE" I laughed like a maniac. "Shit im so late" i heared another newcomer muttered. Then i looked at who talked i saw america. "Isnt he with you?" I whispered-shout to matthew. "Nope. I left early with him still sleeping"

I am scre-- "what out dudes!!" With that heared .I looked to the top of the gate. "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?! AMERICA GET DOWN FROM THERE" I shouted. He's in a gate with more than 10 meters high. "IF YOU SAY SO IGGY" then he jumped and landed 3 inches away from me. "Stop callin- wait a sec." With that america realized what he had done and ran inside the school. I think he hurried to class so i can't catch him. "Again?!" I cursed. "Its ok england just let it slide for today. Yah know?" Canada said.

"Its the tenth time!" I protested. "You are the student council president" he pointed out. I signed. "YOU ALL WANKERS CAN GO INSIDE BUT YOU HAVE TO DO COMUNITY SERVICE FOR 3 DAYS YOU HEAR THAT??!! I REMEMBER ALL YOUR FACES" was all i screamed before storming inside the school going through the student council room.

"Oh boy, ok you guys community service will start after school" Canada said through the megaphone. "All right" then everyone entered the school gate. That was all i heared before i disappeared in the stairs.

"Bonjour, mon ani. Here's the paper work for today. Remember tom we would start the decoration for the school festival" france noted.

"IM BACK!" a familiar voice boomed through the doors.

Seychelle run towards the girl in the entrance and hugged her tightly.

Who that girl might be? Can it be me? XD hahahha. Or another country.

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