Chapter 16: Italy Veneciano

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Chapter 16: Italy Veneciano

(Watching you from Afar)

"Fratello?" called out of the other Italian that was coming out from the shades. "Feliciano..." Lovino's word trailed off as he removed his hug and cleaned his tears with his wrist. "Fratello, why are you crying and why is Alfred hugging you?" The north Italian said as he stepped closer to his own brother. "No, veneciano I'm fucking diving in water that's why I'm crying" He said sarcastically

"Ve~ Fratello, Please tell me what's wrong..." The Italian trailed off as he looked at Alfred with those eyes filled with worry and ready to kill. "It's not him, it's Antonio" Lovino blurted out. With that Feliciano went back to his cheerful face. "Oh okay!"

"Tell me fratello, what did Antonio told you?" the Italian said as he sat down besides His twin. "You see..." Lovino started to talk through the whole story while he's telling it he bit his lips to fight back the tears. After telling the sad story Italy hugged his twin "I'm sorry fratello" he said again as he rubbed and pat the other's back.  Alfred leans in the fence as he looked at the sky thinking about to Arthur. "So you mean, because you kissed Alfred it's because you want to escape Antonio at the same result. You ended up hurting Arthur too?" Lovino looked down and nodded.

Feliciano looked up to Alfred looking at the sky to distract at the events that happened. He stood up and went closer to the disturb American. He taped his shoulder which made Alfred jump in surprised and soon called down as he looked down Feliciano "I'm sorry Alfred" "nah, it's fine bro." he said as he looked back at Lovino with pride back in his eyes.

Alfred looked down for a sec and closed his eyes, after a moment he looked up again with happiness (fake) back into his eyes. Italy looked at the both of them and smiled "if you guys are hurt, don't be afraid to talk to me. Well I got to go now Germany will be worried, Ciao~" He said as he waved them goodbye as he went out the rooftop.

Both of them looked at each other and give each other a half hearted chuckle. "Hey Lovino, My shift is ending. Want to go with me somewhere?" Alfred asked Lovino just replied "Where ever it is you drive me back home" Alfred smiled and dragged him down the stairs.

Arthur sat in his chair and finished all the work due to his emotional stress. Then Maria went inside with tea in her hand. "Here" she said as she went back outside.

Arthur just smiled and took the cup. One thing caught his eye as he lift up his cup of tea. A note saying 'I'm sorry Arthur I'll give you time, but let me tell you this I will never give up until I give you a proper explanation'

Arthur just chuckled at the note "ha, that imbecile will not give up" then he after a moment of smiling he just realized that he was lost in thought on how happy and the enthusiasm of Alfred.  'What was I thinking? Maybe he does have a reason' He thought as he drank his tea. "I'll try... Tomorrow" he said as he looked down at the paper again.

Mean while at the other side Maria fist pumped and pulled out her phone and texted Feliciano.

"He bought it >u<"

"That's good! Let me inform Alfred"

"I just hope things would be alright"

Feliciano looked up besides Elizabeth and Japan "So you guys talk to Antonio and ask what his feeling is" He said. "Sure Italy, Leave the rest to us, we will not let down the cutest couple around school" The Hungarian said as she giggled. "I just hope that everything would be alright though" Said the Japanese with his monotonous voice.

Feliciano smiled at them and waved "Take care!" He said as he disappeared again as he went outside and pulled his phone real quick as he texted Alfred "Alfred! It's me Feliciano. We did something so better make yourself represented tomorrow. Explain everything to Arthur" He sent it and looked up to see the German blond standing outside with his bike. "Hi, Ludwig! I'm sorry that I'm late" He smiled as he sat in front of Ludwig who just started to pedal.

Elizabeth and Kiku started to walk down the hall to see the Antonio alone in the fountain. "Hey, Antonio!" Elizabeth said as she waved while Kiku was walking behind her.

Kiku glance at his phone as he saw Francis and Gilbert messaged him saying "He's all yours, plus we got a date with Joan and Matthew, Of course Gilbert is still making his move. " After reading the message he looked back at the Hungarian as she started to make the talk-to-me face "What did you exactly did" Elizabeth said as she held his collar.

The Japanese student panicked and said "Elizabeth-san please don't do this to him, His in the middle in of the process called grieving" Elizabeth set the Spaniard down back to his sit and said sorry.

"So f you would please tell us what happened from the start"

Antonio looked down and started to speak "You see, we made a bet at first who makes the first move on someone. We decided it was all fun and games. I'm really in love with Lovi, His my everything so I agreed because they would not make fun of whom I love in the end France got Joan but in reality he really loved her, he kind of lost. Gil is still making a move on the Canadian..." He trailed off as he tried to remember his name. "It's Matthew" Kiku said.

"Yes, Matthew. So then I just laughed and said that I made Lovino fall for me. I guess He went in before I could say 'I also lost, it's because I'm really head over heels with that dead sexy Italian.' Then so I ran as fast as I could to catch to him and I could explain the things that I need to say. Then I saw him Kissing Alfred" with that he drop his head down again and stared and the cold marble floor. "I believe he did that it's just because he wanted time" Kiku said. "Say that again?"

"Kiku is trying to tell you that he misunderstood you so he did that stunt so that you could move away from him." Elizabeth said. "Why would... Ohh" He tilts his head up. "So don't give up and smiled with tears ready to fall "Yes he still loves you." Elizabeth said. "Thank you amigo, I will not lose hope" he stood up with a fist curled in his hand. Elizabeth looked at Kiku and Kiku looked at Elizabeth as they both nod with victory in their eyes.

After a minute they decided to go home.

Matthew opened the door as he saw no one is home yet. "that's odd, Alfred should be home by now" Then he just shrug it off and close the door as he started to walk into the kitchen and started to cook.



Here's an update~

I'm not gonna make the conflict long. I want to end this story so badly x'D



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