Chapter 14: Tomato [p1]

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I'm back! and Fuck I have no fucking idea what to write O-O I only know the ending but then i need a supporting climax ;-; 

Arthur suddenly woke up with his phone keeps vibrating again and again besides him. "Who the bloody hell would call me at 2:30 am?!" Arthur groaned. He sat in his bed then looked at his phone to see who is calling him. He wiped his eyes for a bit but then he saw "Alfred

Arthur groan and quickly took his phone that is laying in the floor but before he could answer it Alfred had ended the call with that arthur pout. He scan through his missed calls and found out that alfred missed called him 21 and messaged him 32. Arthur gasp as he read through the message (it was all the same) saying "i miss you" before arthur could reply Alfred called again. This time Arthur picked it up without a vail. 


"I miss you Iggy~"

"Alfred it's just 2:35 in the morning

"But i miss you~ I wanna go in your house and hug you"

"Alfred get some rest we still have the last school festival tomorrow"

"But arthur........ It's freezing out here"

"what do you-" Arthur was cutted as he heared a knock in his front door. Arthur stood up from his bed. walked down the hall (with his cellphone still in his hands) and through the front door. "Iggy?" Alfred said from the pther line/ door.

Arthur opened the door and there revelead his american friend standing in his porch wearing his slippers, a american flag boxer and nothing for a top. "I just missed you alot" Alfred said using his most sexiest voice that he could ever pulled off. That is where arthur blushed in respond. Alfred stepped in and gave arthur a big arm hug. "Wh...WHyy..." Arthuyr pulled off the hug and said. "WHY DON'T YOU HAVE ANY SHIRT ON?!" Arthur said. "This is how i sleep"

"But why in the bloody hell would you come here with your sleeping attire?" arthur asked with a faint flush in his face. "Iggy... I can't sleep knowing that your not here with me... Plus i just walked out of my own house without a key.... Then i just went to your house since I do miss you"

Before arthur could protest. Alfred was already leaning in slowly, closing the gap between their lips but then stopped by saying "wake up" again amd again.

Arthur opened his eyes as his alarm clock goes on and on saying "wake up". Arthur dismissed his alarm and stretch his body. "it was all a dream. hm?" Then he realized what he have said so his face turned into crimson red. "it's not like i like...or want him to do that..or do i?" He sigh in frustration and messed up his hair.

Alfred rose up and doing is daily morning routine. Same goes with Matthew. Both of them left of their dorm house while Matthew walked faster than his brother because He know he will visit Arthur. 

Once Alfred was in the porch of arthur he rang the bell but after a minute no one answers. Then again he rang it again but still no answer. So he decided to call arthur. Instead the Arthur's main voice he could hear a voice mail saying: you have reach the gentleman's voice mail. If you could kindly please leave a message after- Iggy~ I have come to eat your horrable scones! Alfreed!!!! Anywho after the beep!

Alfred chuckled at that. "maybe he left already" he whispered to himself and continued on to walk and went to his classroom. "Alfred! you came. now come on hurry and change!" France said as he shoved alfred his clothes for today. Their outfit for today is a simple butler clothes. 

Lovino started to roam around the school and decided to visit antonio with a basket full of tomatoes. He remembered how his twin teased him. "Ve~ Fratello is that for boss spain?" feliciano teased his  big brother. Lovino blused "shut the fuck up feliciano!" Lovino said and then started to stump outside of the room with a basket full of tomatoes.

Once Lovino turned in the corner he heared antonio talking with his friends. "kesesese, you did well my friend. You won the bet" Gilbert said with his prussian accent and laugh. "oui, Knowing that lovino actuallyfell inlove with you!" Francis said with a laugh. "I know hahah! It funny to see him blush when-" Antonio stopped when he saw lovino with tears. "SO ALL OF IT WAS JUST A FUCKING BET?!" Lovino blasted out. "Lovi, It's not what yo-" Then again antonio was cutted. "ITS OVER BASTARDO!" Lovino said as he wiped away his tears and trew the basket full of tomatoes into antonio. He started to run as fun as he can. "lovi!" Antonio cried out as he chased his love. "STOP CALLING ME THAT FUCKTARD" Lovino screamed and run as fast as he can. 

=3= damn i didnt make it 1k words anywho here's the update. I'm sorry for the spamano fans *bows so many times* IM SORRY. this is part 1 coz i didnt make it into 1000 words =.= see yah soon~

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