Edolas pt 6

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Unfortunately, Mystogan was wrong. It wasn't over. After it was revealed he was the banished Prince of Edolas, Erza Knightwalker shot Lily in the back with her sword, and an army of Legion flew up to attack.

Alex ignored Erik's warning and jumped off the Legion she was riding and let her wings form. She flew down and caught the large Exceed and flew back up to the Legion.

"What the heck were you thinking?" Erik growled when she landed. She made her wings disappear and sat down. "Erza didn't want you interfering at all."

"I couldn't just let Pantherlily here fall," Alex retorted, sitting down. She leaned forward to look over the exceed. "He's badly injured," She said, concerned. She ignored the commotion in the background and turned to the young girl they were riding with. "Coco! Do you have anything that can be used as a bandage for him?"

Coco shook her head. "I do know where we can get him some medical treatment."

Alex nodded and turned to the others. They had jumped on the Legion. "We'll take care of protecting the Exceeds while fighting off the army," Erza said. "Do you think you can handle using your wings to get this Exceed somewhere safe?" she asked.

Alex grinned and brought her wings back. "I think I know just where I can go." She stood up and grabbed the injured exceed. "Erik," she turned to the poison dragon slayer. "See if you can help the other Dragon Slayers. It'll be better if I only have one passenger." Erik nodded.

Natsu looked at her. "Be careful," He said frowning. "You're still pretty drained."

Alex smiled softly at him. "Don't worry. I'll be quick." She lifted Pantherlily and jumped off the Legion. She flew quickly in the direction she was sure the Edolas Fairy Tail was. "Just hang on, Pantherlily," She muttered. "We'll have you fixed up in no time.

With Edolas Fairy Tail

"Alright, everyone, listen up!" Edo-Lucy called out to her guild. "I met Gajeel on my way here. Things have moved pretty far along. The Kingdom is trying to sacrifice the Exceed, Earthland, and us, and make the entire world do as they please! We can't let them get away with that, can we?"

"But the Royal Army has a huge amount of magic power," Edo-Natsu protested. "Could we win if we fought them?"

"Who cares if they have more power?" Amber retorted. "The other world's Fairy Tail is out there fighting them. Shouldn't we help them?"

"That's a nice thought," Edo-Jet dismissed. "But without the power to back it up, we'd be in the way more than we'd be helping."

"Do we even stand a chance at winning against them?" Edo-Gray asked.

Edo-Lucy looked at the nervous crowd in front of her, uncertain. Amber sighed and climbed up beside her. "Are we not Fairy Tail?" She asked. Edo-Lucy looked at her, curious to see what she would say. "Well, out there, there are a bunch of Fairy Tail wizards who need help. We have the tools, and we have the power. So what's stopping us from using them to help? Fear?" She smirked. "I'm not afraid of the Royal Army. They should be afraid of us. Now I'm going to help those other world fairies. Am I going to have to fight them alone?"

Laxus stepped up. "If you're going, I'm going." He smirked. "Can't have my little sister showing me up like that." Amber rolled her eyes but smiled.

The rest of Fairy Tail began to agree when the door slammed open. Alex stood there, carrying the large, exceed Pantherlily. Her wings were gone, and she was exhausted. "I need some help," she said, looking at the members standing there, shocked.

Edo-Mira went into action. "I need bandages!" She called. The other members ran to get her what she needed to help the injured exceed. "Don't worry," She smiled at Alex. "I'll make sure you're friend is alright."

Alex of Fairy TailWhere stories live. Discover now