Alex's first job with her new team

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A week later found Alex and her team relaxing at the guild. "What do you want to do?" Sorano asked, bored.

"We could go on a job," Macbeth suggested, leaning on his arms. He wasn't as tired as he was before since he could get sleep regularly.

Alex nodded her head. "We could go on a job. I can go grab an S-Class quest if that's what you all want," She offered. When the others nodded in agreement, she stood up and walked over to where Wendy was. She smiled. "Having a hard time picking your first job?" She asked.

Wendy smiled. "Yeah. It's been a week since I joined, and I want to get started right away."

Alex smiled and patted her head. "Don't worry. I know you'll do a great job." She walked up the stairs and looked at the jobs. She found one that seemed interesting. Our people are disappearing. Please help. Reward: seven million jewels and a strange key. Alex grinned. "Perfect!" She ran down the stairs and up to Mira. "My team is going to take this job. We'll be back in a week, alright?"

Mira smiled and nodded. "Alright. We'll see you soon."

Alex nodded and walked over to her group. "Let's go pack. We're going to Jasmine Town to take care of some Monsters."

Macbeth yawned. "Better than hanging out around here" He and the others stood up and followed her out the door.

Once they packed, the seven of them got tickets for the train. "So, what kind of monster are we fighting?" Sorano asked once they sat down.

Alex handed her the flier. "Well, it sounds like it could be a group of Vulcan, but I'm not sure. What do you all think?"

Sawyer took the flier from Sorano. "I don't know. It could be, but I don't think I've ever heard of Vulcans being in large groups before."

"We should be able to find out more when we talk to the mayor," Jellal said, crossing his arms.

The ride was silent until they arrived in Jasmine Town. "Sorano, Erik, and Richard, why don't you all get us checked into the hotel while the rest of us talk to the mayor? We'll meet there and discuss what we learned over dinner." They nodded and split away from the group to go to the hotel.

"It's practically a ghost town around here," Sawyer commented as they walked around town.

"I wonder where everyone is," Macbeth added, looking around. The streets were dark and empty.

"Probably hiding," Alex said, looking concerned. "I doubt they want to be taken by whatever monster is around."

Alex led the group over to the mayor's house and knocked. "Hello?" She called. "We're the wizards from Fairy Tail you asked for."

A Young man opened the door. He appeared to be in his late twenties with dark purple hair and brown eyes. "Are you the mayor?" Alex asked, curious.

The man smiled. "You're looking for my father. He's in his study," He told them. "Follow me." He led them into the house. "My name is Marcus, and I manage the finances of this town. So when you finish your job, you'll come to me for your payment." He opened a door. "Dad, the wizards from Fairy Tail are here."

Alex walked inside to find a short, heavyset man who appeared to be in his forties. He smiled at the small group. "Thank you for coming so quickly," He told them, standing up. "Our people have been missing for quite some time, and everyone is anxious."

"Where is everyone?" Jellal asked. "Usually, there would be more people out. At least some children running around."

"I had to issue a curfew," The mayor said, depressed. "It's when the sun goes down that I have the most people disappear. I couldn't let anyone else get taken."

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