Celestial Spirit Loke

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 I had spent more time than I probably should have holed up in my house studying the books Freed left me about my magic. After the play a couple of weeks ago, that was all I did. It was Erza who pulled me out of my home, insisting I go on a job with them. It was a relatively easy job just outside of Magnolia, so they didn't need me, but it was nice to get out of the house and enjoy the sunshine.

"That took less time than I thought," Erza said, smiling.

"I didn't get to go nuts enough!" Natsu cried, frustrated.

"You were plenty nuts back there, buddy," Gray said, looking back at him.

"Lucy," Happy cried. "Check out this jewel!"

"Hey!" Lucy shouted. "You can't just go taking that!"

Happy looked over, confused. "Isn't that Loke over there?"

I looked over curiously. It was Loke, and he seemed surprised to see us. "What a coincidence," He muttered as we walked over to him.

"Did you have a job up here?" Natsu asked.

"Yeah," Loke confirmed. "You too?" He jumped back in slight fear when Lucy walked up.

She smiled. "This is perfect," She told him, lifting her hand. "I wanted to thank you for..."

"Sorry," Loke interrupted, running off. "I'm in the middle of a job!" I sighed and shook my head. He was so stubborn.

"What is with him?" Lucy asked fuming.

"What did you do to him?" Gray asked, looking at Lucy.

"He is avoiding you," Natsu added.

"I didn't do anything!" Lucy insisted.

"Should we head back then?" Gray asked, surveying the damage we caused.

"Hey, since we finished a job early for once, why don't we head to a spa and take it easy?" Lucy suggested.

"Lucy," Erza began looking at the ground. She picked her head up and smiled. "That's a good idea."

We headed to a spa town called Hosenka and bought a couple of rooms for the night. Lucy managed to convince Erza she didn't need to be wearing her armor while in the baths.

Erza looked at me while we were relaxing in the hot tub. "Thank you for coming with us. We had missed you."

I blushed lightly. "Sorry about that. I needed to learn everything I could about my magic."

Lucy sat up. "Oh yeah. You said you would tell us about what you found out about your magic."

I smiled and told them what I found out about Devil Slaying Magic. "I'm not going to have it mastered anytime soon," I admitted. "But I think I'll be able to handle a few spells when I need them the most."

Erza nodded and smiled. "I'm glad you've finally figured out the specific magic you have," She told me. "We should get inside before the boys cause too much trouble."

Lucy and I chose to ignore the possibility of her joining in on the destruction and nodded.

We got out of the baths to see the hotel rooms. Natsu was trying to get Gray involved in a pillow fight. Erza grabbed the pillows and grinned. She chuckled. "All the pillows of merit are already under my control!"

Natsu jumped in the air. "I will defeat Erza!" He shouted, throwing a pillow at her. Erza dodged, and the pillow hit Gray in the face.

Gray stood up, angry, and looked down to find a stack of pillows at his feet. "Wow, where'd all these pillows come from?" He grabbed a pillow and threw it as hard as he could and hit Natsu's face. I watched as Lucy tried to get involved after Gray threw a pillow at Erza. Three pillows came after her and knocked her through a screen door.

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