Episode 9: "New Threat"

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Eagle Union Training Grounds,
8:30AM, Commander's POV,
Dec. ??, 1936,
Eagle Union, Unknown

Commander: And..... You're done, King George V!

KGV: Why train us so hard?

Duke of York: Thy shall prepare for war?

Commander: Have you forgotten?! Ironblood managed to injured Her Majesty and Warspite! We need to get stronger or we might lose this pointless war!

Illustrious: He's right, this war is just thirst for territory, it's pointless! We need to get stronger to protect Her Majesty!

KGV: Well, it's just, i haven't been trained this much.....

Prince of Wales: Don't worry, Sister, we need to get stronger so we can protect Commander, Her Majesty, and Azur Lane much better.

Commander: After you all are finished, come to my office, and I'll have a new mission for you guys.

Illustrious and 7 others: Okay!

Commander's Office

Commander: So, that's i want you to do, King George V.

King George V: Doesn't sound that difficult.

Prince of Wales: So allow me to clarify, so we are sent again Near Iron Sea to scout for some Ironblood ships?

Commander: Yes, and if you make contact, fight, if they have a large fleet, retreat.

Hood: Commander, May i ask something?

Commander: Go, ahead.

Hood: When will i meet Bismarck? (*In a somewhat greedy kinda like looking face)

Commander: I don't know about that, it's up to their Commander if they want to send Bismarck near their Sea....

Hood: They should send Bismarck, so i can get my revenge!

Prince of Wales: You might want to hold that revenge for a meantime, Hood, we're on a mission.

Hood: (*Sad face)

Commander: (*pats her back softly :3) Sorry Hood, you'll get revenge of Bismarck someday, this time, it probably won't happen.

Hood: (*Sad face disappear, a little smile)

Commander: Alright, please return safely.

Illustrious: Don't worry, Commander, we're guided by the Holy Light~!

Commander: Yeah........ It's that stuff again but probably a good luck charm.....

Near Iron Sea, Ironblood,
Prince of Wales's POV,
Ironblood, Section 5 (Outside Ironblood Territory)

Prince of Wales: Hope I encounter Bismarck too!

King George V: Is it revenge, Wales?

Prince of Wales: Not really, i just hope to fight their strongest ship.....

Suddenly, from a distance, they spotted H-39 Class, Deutschland, with Gneisenau, Graf Spee, Graf Scheer, Z23, and Z21 having a training session.

Hood: (*Quiet voice) What's that ship that looks similar to Bismarck?! Or is it Bismarck!?

Prince of Wales: (*Quiet Voice) No, it's very bad! It's the supposedly cancelled H-39 class!

Hood: Eh!? That means, I'll have to face two major enemies..... Finally a worthy opponents!

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