Episode 10: "Battle for Supremacy"

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Ironblood Port 2, 8:16AM,
Friedrich Der Große's POV,
Jan. 1, 1937, Ironblood, Unknown

FDG: Where am I....? Who's zat male in front of me..?

(Y/N): Hello there, allow me to clarify things, my name is Kommandant (Y/N) and to be honest i prefer to be called as Kommandant both on and off duty, and your name is "Friedrich Der Große". And you are my new H-39 class ship.

FDG: He's so cute~! And... Hot too~! (*Bearhugs him)

(Y/N): (*muffled voice) Mmm! Please give me air!!

FDG: Komma-err My child, tell me, what's my first mission?

(Y/N): Before zat Friedric-err Mom, you'll have to take a good look at our port because you might get lost...

FDG: Really? Thank you, My child!

(Y/N): Of course! FD-err Mom.

FDG: (*Giggles)

Timeskip 1 hour of FDG and (Y/N) hugging you whilst touring the port

FDG: Thank you, My child! For a reward, you shall rest on my lap.

(Y/N): Sorry, Mom, but, you have to do as intended, firstly, Mom, go to Port 1 since it will be your first training zere.

FDG: Too bad... Well at least, i can get stronger to protect you and Ironblood!

(Y/N): Yep.....

???: Who are you..?

FDG: I'm Friedreich Der Große of the new H-39 class, who are you...?

???: I'm Deutschland of the H-39-class, wait.. schwester!? Schwester!! (*Hugs her in her melons)

FDG: Zere.... My child, you are rather cheerful as i expected....

(Y/N): So erotic.!! Ugh! Stop ze lewd thoughts and just do my plans!

FDG: My child, after i get trained, and what will i do next?

(Y/N): Yes, Mom! After your training I'll have to upgrade your man hull armor and ze ammunition zat your main turrets use in Port 2.

FDG: Sounds Amazing~! Also, shouldn't you also call Deutschland to be upgraded?

(Y/N): Since both of are you H-39-class ships, both of you go to Port 2 for ze upgrading since it's mandatory to all Battleship.

FDG: My child, is cruisers does get to be upgraded too?

(Y/N): Yes... But I'm converting it to a version on cruisers and also destroyers. Only submarines are ze armor to be upgraded... Also includes Aircraft Carrier, a lot of zose are being converted to be used on different ship clazzification, it's quite hard to do.

FDG: With this, surely we'll get stronger!

(Y/N): Okay Mom.. Make sure you go to Port 2, okay Mom?

FDG: Yes, My child~!

Deutschland: K-Kommandant... I wanted to thank you for upgrading us and our fleet what should i to repay you.....

(Y/N): (*pats her head) DL, you don't have to, just follow mein orders and I'll make sure to care all of you in Ironblood.

Deutschland: Really! Danke~~! (*Hugs him and her chest touches his chest)

(Y/N): Mmph!! It feels heavenly!!!

FDG: My~ My~ Aren't you a pervert, My child~?

(*Bismarck, Tirpitz, Graf Zeppelin, and Prinz Eugen spots you on a distance)

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