S2: Episode 6: Unseen Consequences

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After we captured the most farthest base of the Sakura Empire, Kommandant ordered us for a week rest to just regain our energy from the intense battle last time. Or so what it seems Kommandant said.
Reinforcements we're expected to also arrive in 2 - 4 days to provide assistance on our new occupied base in-case their main fleets noticed us and decides attacking us. We truly are very happy and very grateful to have a Kommandant like (Y/N), and I hope he never dies......


Never die.....

(Y/N)'s the best.....

(Y/N)'s the best.....

January 3, 1955,
Newly-occupied Ironblood Port,
HQ Main Office,
H-45's POV,
New Ironblood,

It's been two days now since we've been resting, ze reinforcements has not yet arrived yet, But I hope zat zey will arrive soon. I can't help but feel a little scared, because it's only my teammates and schwesters are here, I fear zat we may get captured by Sakura shipgirls.... No. Let's not think like zat!

H-45 (2): Schwester, I have received a new offical report from Kommandant zat ze reinforcement flotilla has been experiencing severe delays due to ze extremely severe weather, could be notably Typhoons, and also, Kommandant added zat ze flotilla may arrive in 4 - 7 days, exceeding ze expected time arrival due to ze delays caused by ze Typhoons.

H-45: I-I see...... Zat's bad then.

Admiral Hipper: It was also reported zat ze reinforcement flotilla is experiencing fuel and gas issues, slowing down zeir arrival time.

H-45: Mein Gott! What has happened to zem?!

H-45 (2): I don't know, Schwester, but let's hope ze arrive by tommorow or next 2 days.

Admiral Hipper: Zat dumbass.....

H-45: What did you say about Kommandant..?

Admiral Hipper: Khh~! (Chill in her spine!) I-I d-did not say a-anything bad about him!!!

H-45: Sehr Gut. (Very good.)

Admiral Hipper: Then...... I'll take my leave then.... Please excuse me, Seniors.

H-45 (2): Thank you, for informing us.

(Door closing sounds)

H-45: I can't handle it anymore....

H-45 (2): Schwester? What's happening?

H-45: I need to talk to him right now.

H-45 (2): Alright.... If zat's your wish... I'll get ze telephone right away!

H-45: (*Clicking sounds)

{{(Y/N): Ja, It's, me, Kommandant, what's ze catch? Emergency?}}

{{H-45: Kommandant, can you at least order ze reinforcement flotilla to arrive a little faster, please? I can't handle ze feeling of getting captured by Sakura shipgirls....}}

{{(Y/N): Ah! Don't worry! Zey will come near soon, zey're just 98KM away from your base.}}

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