Chapter 16

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Jackson's POV:

I never thought I would be whipped. Never in my life did I think that I would be completely mesmerized by another human being.

But.... yes, there is a but to that statement.

Here I am SNEAKING out of the fuckin house because she asked me too. She claims she's so bored that she might die. So now I'm sneaking her out of her own house. Her dad is so going to kill me. All because miss Maya here wants to go to the zoo. She sits across from me in the passenger seat smiling from ear to ear. I knew I was whipped when it only took 5 minutes to convince me.

¨Uhh, Jackson I know you are mad at me right now, but do you think I could a-a uhh happy meal.¨ she says sheepishly. ¨I'm a lil hungry¨ she grins and little and pats her stomach. How am I supposed to say no to that?

You're not!

Oh shut up conscience.

¨Yeah, whatever¨ I grumble. She smiles even more, which I didn't know was possible. She mumbles a quiet thank you and goes back to playing some game on her phone.

Pulling up to the next McDonalds I see, I go through the drive-thru so she can order. She grins and leans over me to order her stupid happy meal. 'Sorry' she mumbles leaning over me.

¨Hi, how are you¨ Maya asks the worker sweetly. The worker replies but it's muffled. ¨Ummm, I'll have a 6 piece chicken nugget happy meal with yogurt and a dr.pepper please.¨ she claims nicely. ¨You want anything sunshine¨ she whispers to me. I shake my head no. She rolls her eyes and continues to order another happy meal. I swear I am not eating a freakin happy meal.

We sit in the parking BOTH eating our happy meals. ¨See¨ she says smiling brightly ¨I told you, you'd like it. Aren't you glad I got it for you. You would have starved if I didn't. You're basically skin and bones.¨ she rambles.

¨I am not skin and bones¨ I snap. Biting into another chicken nugget. Damn it. I do like it. I take a sip of the milkshake she ordered for me.

¨Awww do you like it Sunshine?¨ she gestures to the milkshake. ¨You're so adorable.¨ she smiles at me. I swear I can feel my cheeks heat up. If this damn girl is making me blush..... ¨Come on hurry, we gotta get to the zoo and back before my dad notices¨ she rushes me. Can't I just eat my nuggets in peace? The things I do for this girl...

¨Okay, okay¨ I repeat ¨I'm going.¨ I roll my eyes at her. She bounces up and down in her seat like a five year old. I grin slightly at the sight.

¨I am excitedddd!¨ she exclaims, smiling. ¨I get to see the kolas. Ah I haven't seen them in forever¨"she sighs dramatically. Talking in a baby voice she says ¨They're like my sons and daughter¨ puckering up her lips. ¨Let's listen to music.¨ she flips through the channels. ¨Beyonce?¨ she questions. ¨No, no I got it. Arinana Grande¨ she flips to some song talking about breathing and sings along. ¨JUST KEEP BREATHING AND BREATHING AND BREATHING¨ she sings loudly. I'm going to be deaf by the end of this car ride we still got forty five minutes until the Zoo.

About fifthteen minutes later she goes back to being quiet. I look over to see her playing some block game on her phone. Is she actually playing minecraft? I ask myself. She looks like she is building a house or something. I smirk and place my hand on her knee. She tenses and glances at my hand placement. I move my up a little towards her thigh and I can feel her squirm. I stroke my thumb over her thigh lightly. She stays frozen and looks over at me from the corner of her eyes. I stay focused on the road like I am not paying attention to her but trust me I am. She places her hand over my hand on her thigh and starts to play with my rings. She always does that when we are watching a movie. I move my thumb back and forth some more. She starts to blush and look out the window. I smirk at the effect I have on her.

She clears her throat. ¨Ahem.. Jackson?¨ I hum in response. ¨I think you accidently put your hand on my leg¨ she whispers. It is NOT an accident love. I think to myself.

¨Hmm¨ was my only reply. I kept my hand on her thigh throughout the entire drive.

Once we reached the zoo, I put my mask on and helped Maya out of the car. She grabs my wrist and starts walking with me. I peel her hand away from my wrist and intertwine our fingers. Her face goes as red as a tomato. She looks away from me keeping her eyes focused straight. I love making her blush.

She walks up to the desk and pays because she says and I quote "your social skills aren't that good sunshine." I just don't like people, so why would I talk to them. She walks back over to me with the biggest smile I've seen on her face in a long time.

"Come on, Let's go see the koalas." she says excitedly. I nod my head and reach for her hand. She accepts it thankfully. If I have to take her to the zoo, she's got to hold my hand, because I don't trust other people.

We walk through the entrance and see birds right away. Maya lets go of my hand and runs over to them. She starts speaking to them with a sad look on her face.

"Don't worry little guys, Sunshine and I will come back and set you free, I promise. I can't imagine what it is like to be in this stupid cage thing. I pinky promise I'll figure out a way to get you out of here." she promises them petting the cage. I can't take her anywhere. I pull her away from the birds and walk to another part.

We make it to the giraffes and she runs up to them too. She stares in awe and repeats the same words she told the birds. I am NOT breaking a bunch of random zoo animals out. She stays with the giraffes for about five minutes and finally makes her way to the koalas. She runs as soon as she sees them.

"Look Jackson!" she exclaims. "It's my babies!!!" I smile under my mask at her. She makes sure to pay extra just to get a picture with them.

The worker lets her hold it and she hugs it to her chest. She smiles for the picture and whispers something in the koala's ear. I swear if she promised we'll come back and get it I'm done.....

Lastly, she sees the monkeys.

"Look Maya there's you" I tease her. She glares at me and turns back around inspecting the monkey's cage.

"I'll get you guys out of here too. This cage is just too damn small" she whispers to them like someone is listening. She stays and talks to them a while and finally decides to go home.

We finally made it out of the zoo after two hours. She listened to music and sang all the way home. I'm glad her dad didn't notice she wasn't home for two hours. As much as she loves her dad and he loves her, I feel like he needs to pay more attention. He's always busy with 'work' and never spends time with her. As soon as we got home Maya went straight to sleep on the couch. I got her up to her room and covered her up with a blanket. I'm just glad she had fun today. 


Sorry for the late update! Don't have wifi right now.



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