The Chitauri

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As I reached the ground floor of Stark Towers I gasped and looked towards the sky as a giant gaping hole appeared and all manner of alien creatures came hurtling out, screaming battle cries and shooting the buildings, grounds and people of New York.

"Avianna!" I heard Nat yell as she came running towards me, a trail of flying aliens behind her.

"I thought you were with Barton in the jet!" I yelled back to her as we began to fight off the army.

"Yeah, well change of plans," She replied, ripping the head of an alien. Captain America and Clint soon came running around the corner fighting off the aliens as they did so. Suddenly a deep and extremely loud growl emitted from the portal in the sky

"Oh well that looks like fun," I muttered sarcastically as a humongous alien-looking whale covered in armour came 'swimming' out. It was followed and led by hundreds of the Chitauri army on pods, they were firing at anything that they could hit.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Cap asked.

"I'm seeing, still working on believing. Has Banner turned up yet?" Tony replied.

"Banner?" I asked as I smashed an alien in the head.

"Just keep me posted. Jarvis, find me a soft spot," That's all Tony said before we heard a loud series of bangs as he fired at the alien whale.

"Heads up!" I yelled as I saw Loki flying on an alien pod with a squad of them behind, firing down at us.

"People down there need, assistance," Cap called out

"We go this, go!" Nat called out as she shot two aliens and I pulled an arm off another one and whacked it around the head with it.

"You think you can hold them off?" Cap asked us.

"Cap, it would be my genuine pleasure," Clint said as he rapid fired on the aliens. Cap nodded at us and ran off to help others.

"It's just like Budapest all over again," Nat yelled to Clint and I gave her a weird look as I flipped over behind a car.

"You and I remember Budapest very differently," Clint replied as he blew an alien up. We were soon once again joined by Cap and Thor

"What's the story upstairs?" Cap asked thor as we were surrounded

"The powers surrounding the cube is impenetrable," Thor replied

"Thor is right, we gotta deal with these guys," Stark piped up

"And exactly how do we manage that?" I yelled as I slammed my legs into two aliens and flipped over one, ripping its head off.

"As a team," Cap replied.

"I have unfinished business with Loki," thor said

"Yeah? Get in line," Clint scoffed.

"Save it. Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him, these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us-" Cap was cut off as a motorbike roared behind him.

"Banner," I said smiling.

"So this all seems horrible," Banner remarked as he looked around the city.

"I've seen worse," Nat said.

"Sorry," Banner looked down, I rolled my eyes at their awkward interaction.

"No, we could use a little worse,"

"Stark? We got him," Cap said into his earpiece.


"Just like you said," Cap replied.

"Then tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you," Suddenly Tony came zooming around the corner with the whale right behind him.

"I-I don't see how that's a party," Natasha said with wide eyes.

"Stark, when you have a minute, search up the word party in the dictionary and then get back to me," I sassed.

"Dr Banner now might be a really good time to get angry," Cap said to the doctor.

"That's my secret Cap, I'm always angry," He grinned at us and then right before our eyes he transformed into the hulk and punched the whale in the nose, it toppled upwards and flipped over onto its back. It didn't move.

"Well, that was helpful," I laughed, kicking the now very large dead alien at my feet. A loud roar sounded from above

"Um, guys," I said pointing at the massive cloud of aliens that was hurtling towards us.

"Call it Cap," Stark said, we all looked at Cap. He remained silent for a moment

"Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment. Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or your turn it to ash,"

Clint turned to Stark

"Wanna give me a lift?"

"Right. Better clench up Legolas," Stark said as he flew off, carrying Clint to the rooftops.

"Thor, you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You've got the lightning. Light the bastards up," Thor flew off and Cap then turned to Natasha and me.

"You two stay on the ground with me, and Hulk? Smash," Hulk grinned and jumped off landing on the buildings

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