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"The Tesseract has awakened. It is on a little world. A human world. They would wield its power," The Other, kneeled behind a throne.

"But our ally knows its workings as they never will. He is ready to lead. And our force, our Chitauri, will follow," Screams were heard as the Chitauri grew impatient.

"The world will be his. The universe yours. And the humans, what can they do but burn?"

Out in the New Mexico desert, sirens were blaring inside a secret research facility as they were in a state of emergency and needed to evacuate. A helicopter overhead swoops down and lands noisily, a man in a black trench coat steps out, Nick Fury. He was approached by Agent Maria Hill and Agent Coulson.

"How bad is it?" Fury asks

"That's the problem, sir, we don't know," Coulson replies. He led Fury through the radiation section of the facility as hundreds of staff and technicians ran around, grabbing only the essentials.

"Dr Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesseract four hours ago," Coulson said

"NASA didn't authorize Selvig to test phase," Fury replied.

"He wasn't testing it, he wasn't even in the room. Spontaneous advancement," Coulson replied, rushing down a people flooded corridor.

"It just turned itself on?" Agent Hill asked

"What are the energy levels now?"

"Climbing. When Selvig couldn't shut it down, we ordered the evac," Coulson said, holding a door open for Fury to walk through

"How long to get everyone out?" Fury asked

"Campus should be clear in the next half hour," Coulson answered.

"Do better," Fury continued to walk down to the radiation facility with Agent Hill.

"Sir, evacuation may be futile," Agent Hill spoke up.

"We should tell them to go back to sleep?" Fury suggested sarcastically.

"If we can't control the Tesseract's energy, there may not be a minimum safe distance," Hill replied.

"I need you to make sure that PHASE 2 prototypes are shipped out," Fury instructed

"Sir, is that really a priority now?"

"Until such time as the world ends, we will act as though it intends to spin on. Clear out the tech below. Every piece of PHASE 2 on a truck and gone,"

"Yes sir," Agent Hill then pointed to another two agents

"With me," She says and they hurry off.

"Talk to me doctor," Fury says as he walks over to a man who had emerged from behind a machine. The Tesseract started to glow brightly and flashed out randomly.

"Director," Selvig greeted

"Is there anything we know for certain?" Fury asked looking at the Tesseract warily.

"Tesseract is misbehaving," Selvig replied

"Is that supposed to be funny?" Fury asked

"No, it's not funny at all. The Tesseract is not only active, she's...misbehaving," Selvig shook his head.

"How soon until you pull the plug?"

"She's an energy source. If we turn off the power, she turns it back on. If she reaches peak level," Selvig replied, hurrying over to a screen.

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