Prince Loki of Jotunheim

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We arrived to see Loki opening the door and stepping out

"NO!" Thor yelled and ran to stop his brother

"Thor wait!" I cried out knowing it was a trick. As Thor reached his brother the illusion disappeared and the real Loki stepped forward and locked Thor in the cell.

"Are you ever not going to fall for that?" He chuckled. I sighed and watched the God of Mischief carefully while resting my hand on the holster of my gun.

"You should've listened to the mortal," Loki tutted. Thor glared at his brother and slammed Mjolnir against the glass of the cell, it cracked and the entire cell shifted down.

"The humans think us immortal. Should we test that?" Loki asked, stepping towards the control panel.

"Loki stepped away from the control panel please," I asked calmly, leaving my hand resting on my gun. He stopped to watch me momentarily.

"You're one of the agents who visited me in the cell aren't you. You came with Romanoff,"

"Congratulations, you have a memory," I rolled my eyes at his obvious statement. He chuckled

"Do you have any idea who you're talking to? Because I would choose your next words very carefully mortal as they may be your last,"

"I know exactly who I'm dealing with. You are Prince Loki of Jotunheim, son of the Frost Giant King Laufey. You were taken in by Odin and treated as his son but were always second to Thor. I know that you hate being referred to as Thor's brother and I also know how hungry you are to prove yourself to Frigga, to show you are more than just 'Thor's mischievous adopted brother'. I know you want to prove Odin wrong, to show him you are worthy of the throne and that you can lead. But Loki, this is not the way to do that. Killing innocents and taking over Earth will not get you the praise you deserve from them," I finished sympathetically. A stunned silence followed

"How do you know all this?" Loki nearly whispered looking shocked.

"Norse mythology, I read a lot. I also know Jane," I replied giving Thor a look to which he sheepishly looked at the ground.

"This can't be what you want Loki," I said, my hand no longer resting on my gun. The god's eyes watched me with curiosity, he opened his mouth to say something when I noticed Coulson step behind him with a large weapon

"Move away, please," he said, looking at Loki, who's eyes hardened once again and looked away from me. I sighed and pulled my gun out, raising it lightly.

"You like this? We started working on the prototype after you sent the Destroyer. Even I don't know what it does. Want to find out?" I watched in horror as the Loki standing in front of me disappeared and Coulson gasped as the real Loki stabbed the sceptre through him.

"No!" Thor and I yelled as Coulson was sent flying to the wall. Loki quickly marched over to the console and gave Thor one last look before pushing the button and the cell drops immediately out of the ship. I rushed over to Coulson, dropping my gun in the process.

"Phil, hey hey Phil look at me," I held the man's face as he breathed weakly.

"You're gonna lose," Phil whispers and Loki stops walking away, turns back and watches.

"Am I?" He chuckles

"It's in your nature," Phil replies

"Your heroes are scattered, your floating fortress falls from the sky...where is my disadvantage?" Loki takes a step towards us

"You lack conviction," Phil grunts

"I don't think I- '' Loki was blasted out the room as Phil pulled the trigger on the prototype gun. I let out a short laugh

"So, that's what it does," He smiled weakly at me, a little blood dribbling out the corner of his mouth.

"Fury, detention room now. Coulson's been hit," I said into my earpiece. Fury entered quickly a few minutes later and knelt down beside me.

"Sorry boss. They got rabbeted," Phil breathes

"Just stay awake. Eyes on me!" Fury commands

"No. I'm clocking out here," Phil replied quietly

"Not an option," Fury shook his head, holding Coulson's face.

"It's okay, boss. This was never going to work... if they didn't have something... to..." Phil trailed off, his head gently swung and rested on his shoulder. Eyes open. I let out a shaky breath and lowered my head in respect for him. The medical team arrived shortly afterwards and I stood up, rubbing my hands on my knees.

"Agent Coulson is down," Fury said softly through his earpiece.

"Paramedics are on their way," Someone else chimed in

"They're already here. They called it," I sniffed and began walking to the briefing room, grabbing my gun off the floor and placing it back into the holster on my right thigh. Loki was going to pay for that. 

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