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Loki winced as he propped himself up on the staircase, looking up at us as we surrounded him. Clint pointed his bow down at him

"If it's all the same to you, I think I'll have that drink now," Loki said quietly. I rolled my eyes at him as Thor lifted him off the ground. Loki's hands were pushed together and I went around to face the God of Mischief and handcuffed his hands tightly.

"Ouch, so much harshness after our little moment earlier Avianna," Loki smirked.

"Well then maybe you shouldn't have destroyed half of New York with your little alien army, your highness," I sassed back as I entered the elevator with Thor. We made our way down to the ground floor where we were met by S.H.I.E.L.D agents.

"Fury will be expecting us to bring him onto the helicarrier," I said to Thor as we stepped out.

"That shall not be happening. Loki will be brought back to Asgard where he will be trialled for his crimes,"

"How will your father react to this?" I asked. Thor sighed

"Not well I fear,"

"And your mother?"

"She has always had a soft spot for my brother but I do not know what her feelings will be once we return home,"

"I'm jealous. I've always wanted to see Asgard," I smiled sadly to the God.

"Maybe one day you will Lady Avianna, my brother has taken surprisingly quite a liking to you as have I. We would be honoured to have you as a guest in our kingdom one day," I nodded and bowed slightly to him.

"I look forward to it," I then looked to Loki who was standing beside Thor with a muzzle over his mouth.

"I know what he's done is beyond redemption but I hope one day he sees the wrongs in his ways and is able to mend some of his mistakes, even though many of them are unforgivable,"

"You continue to surprise me Lady Avianna, he does not deserve your kindness," Thor smiled softly and Loki raised his eyebrows at my words.

"Oh I'll happily kick his ass if need be," I scoffed, giving Loki a hard glare to which he rolled his eyes.
"I would like to see that, as would many," Thor chuckled.

"Have a safe journey back," I smiled and stepped away as a rainbow beam surrounded the two gods and they disappeared.

"You're too nice to him considering what he did," Nat chuckled as she came over to me, pulling on her biker gloves.

"I am well aware of that. But I don't know, something about him just..." I trailed off not sure of how to finish my sentence. Nat shook her head at me and walked over to her bike. I pushed those thoughts out of my head and proceeded to walk over to my own motorbike. I had a feeling that I would be seeing the two Norse gods much sooner than I could ever expect. The Avengers parted ways, Nat, Steve and I on our motorbikes, Stark in his car with Banner and Clint got into a S.H.I.E.L.D car and drove off. Who knew when we would come together to save the world once more, but when that happened we would ve ready to fight off anything to protect our world and those who lived there with our lives.

The End 

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