Chapter Five

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Chapter 5 Hungry Horse

I sat up in my bed, the sun glinting through my yellow room lighting everything up.  I smoothed the crinkled bills onto my bed spread.  I counted excitedly, every bill getting closer to food for my horse.  I had 34.  I sighed, I think I could just make it.  My mom walked in on me that moment with a white basket of clean fresh laundry.  "What are you doing, bills are dirty, they don't go on your bed."  I groaned and rolled my eyes at her.  "Excuse me," she said surprised looking at me and then down at my money.  "Whats with the attitude."  She walked out of the room and raised her eyebrows at me as she gently closed the door.  As soon as it was closed I flung a sweater over me and snatched my neatly smoothed bills into a clump and ran out the door.  I ran out of the room as quickly as possible, and almost fell down the stairs in my hurry.  I had a huge smile on my face.  I threw open the door and grabbed my bike and peddled furiously down the dirt road.  I imagined myself on Bright Eye, racing her through the forest.  I could almost smell the fresh air of the forest and hear the wind screaming into my ears.  Before I knew it, I was there.


I threw my rusty bike down in front of Peppy Ponies supply shop.  I had never been here before, as there was no reason for me too.  I slowly opened the door and jumped at the tingle of the bell above me.  I looked up at it, then slowly around.  The place was amazing.  I had never seen so much horse stuff in my life.  There were brightly colored halters and the best grooming supplies around.  To a regular horse owner, it probably wasn't much, but to me, it was heaven.  I walked around the shop with a smile on my face as I glanced around the store.  I was the only one here.  Suddenly, I stopped and gasped at a beautiful display before me.  The most glossy, deatailed saddle I had ever seen.  It was a smooth shiny jet black.  My mouth dropped open slightly, and I had the vision of me and Bright Eye riding together through the forest, on magnificent beaches, lush forests, and maybe even in town.  I would get that saddle, if it was the last thing I would do.  I quietly moved on, still in awe.  I picked up the horse feed, a big bag, but the cheapest one I could get.  The owner was small and a gruff bitter man.  He was short and squat, and had grey curly hair every where but the top of his head.  "I will be getting this please." I stated happily.  He eyed me suspiciously.  "24 please." he said with a frown.  I handed him the cash proudly and received my change.  "Thank you sir, well um have a good day." I said with glee.  "Yeah whatever." he said, and disappeared in the back of the shop.  I would usually would have been affended by his rude behavior, but with my new food, I was happy.  I took one look in awe at the saddle, then left the shop with the ring of the bell above me.


Before I was going to take my trip to the woods to feed Bright Eye, I stopped at home and took  a small piece of paper and some markers, and a glass empty jar.  I ran into the woods breathlessly.  When I crept into the shadows of the trees, Bright Eye was lying down on the leafy ground.  He looked up at me and immediatly stood up.  I proudly showed him the bag of food, his ears pricked up and his eyes brightened.  I quickly spread the items I brought all over the damp brown ground.  I started to explain the saddle to him.  He looked at me with great interest.  As I put the thin pice of paper on the jar and colored it, I explained to him I was saving up for a saddle, and all the money would go in the jar.  He stood up.  "What's the matter." I said going up to him.  He looked at me.  I met his eyes again.  There was a sense of adventure and excitment in his eyes.  They sparkled, and I could just tell what he was thinking.  I ran my hand down his neck, then slowly over his back and I paused.  I drew my hand away from his back and looked at him.  His eyes sparkled.  "Let's go." I said.  And I slowly climbed onto his back.

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