Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

I gulped.  How could she know.  It was impossible, I never told anyone.  I looked around nervously.  "Well, it?" I stuttered.  She giggled.  "Well, Owen likes you!"  At this she burst out laughing.  I crossed my arms and pouted.  "Are you that stupid, you can't understand that we are just FRIENDS."  I sat back and looked at her.  She stared at me silently, then burst out laughing again.  "Come on class, please take your seats.  I sat back in my seat, crossed my arms and rolled my eyes as Kathrine and her friends walked away laughing, making stupid kissing noises, as they sat in there corner of the room, up front.  "Kathrine, come on, take your seat please." she said with irritation in her voice.  I smirked.  Kathrine barley got in trouble.  She was always good at hiding  all the nasty little evil tricks she could do.  I looked over in front of me to where Owen sat, his head hung low, his face pink with embaressment.  I sighed.  I'm sorry Owen.  I hung my head in shame too.

I told Bright Eye what happened today, and he listened with great respect.  After I sighed and stood up and untied him.  Today, he ran a little, but always returned to me.  I watched him run back in fourth.  He weaved between the skinny trees with such grace.  I never got boerd watching him.  I was runny low on fruits and vegtables, and couldn't take to much, for my mom could  get suspicious.  I decided to sell lemonade tomorrow.  It was warm enough too, and I was sure I'd get enough money.

The next day after school, I took a small wooden table out of the house and set up my lemonade stand.  I didn't think  it was going to be this hot.  The sun was shining right down onto me.  I sat and waited.  I got a couple mothers with their children on the way to the park.  It was quiet.  My street wasn't busy.  The sky was a perfect blue color, and the sun made everything look alive and bright.  20 minutes later, of course the person I want to see the least walks up.  Kathrine.  "What is this," she smirked.  "I wouldn't want this lemonade, Monica made it." she laughed.  "Go away!" I shouted.  "Just stop pestering me!"  "Well I kinda wanted a glass Monica."  She looked up at me with bright innocent eyes. "Yeah right." I said.  She took out a doller from her wallet and placed it on the table.  I knew she was up to something evil, but I didn't see the harm in giving her one.  There was an akward puase.  I eventuyally slowly took the doller and put it in the jar next to my legs.  I carefully poured the lemonade into a flimsy paper cup and slid the glass across the table.  She went for the cup, and before I knew it, the jug of lemonade shattered on the sidewalk, lemonade dripping down my legs.  My mouth hung open.  I glared at her, my eyes wide.  "Seriously." I murmered to myself.  "Oops." she giggled.  I felt hot tears burning behind my eyes, but they ran away.  As I pressed my warm hands on my eyes, I sighed and began to pick up the big sharp shiny pieces.  Wow, that was so stupid, she just wasted a whole doller.  I thought to myself.  Then I remembered she was rich.  "That's it, were done" I sighed to myself.  I carefully picked up the jar with money and walked inside, leaving the shimmering puddle of lemonade behind me.

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