Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I was almost sorry school ended, I was having a blast with Monica.  Eventually, the bell rang, and we hastily scrambeled up our notebooks and binders and dashed out of the classroom.  Kids shouted there goodbyes, and me and Ashley watched the kids scramble away to their cars.  "My moms always late." Ashley sighed.  I laughed enjoying Ashley's company, when a sleek, black Porsche pulled up in front of the school.  I couldn't help but let my mouth drop open.  The car was beautiful.  ''Well, that's my mom." Ashley stated happily.  "Need a ride?" I nodded slowly, still in awe and followed Ashley to the car.  "Sure your mom wont mind?" I questioned.  "No of course not!" 

Ashley clamored into the back, and I followed.  "I usually sit in the front, but since your here, I'll sit in the back with you!"  She smiled and I returned it.  "Hello," Ashley's mom greeted.  "Whats your name?" I was a little nervous, but I answered, and we had a happy car ride home with me telling her about myself, except for the one important detail, Bright Eye.  The car ride was short, a little too short, and I climbed out of the car with a date of April 15th, Friday night, for a sleepover.  Of course I had to talk to my mom, but there was plenty of time to change things.  As soon as I hopped out of the car, I raced into the woods to see Bright Eye.  The winter had passed so fast, and wasn't really a big problem for me and Bright Eye.  He was perfectly happy with some old blankets.  I was so proud of his loyalty.  Before we both knew it, spring was here.  Today I was hoping we could go for another adventurous ride through the woods.  I quickly reached Bright Eyes clearing.  He was awake and happy.  I climbed on his back, and we set off like a rocket.  I held on tight.  The racing sensation came back.  A grin stretched upon my wind swept face.  After a refreshing sprint, we arrived at a lake.  The waters were sparkling with ripples.  Fish jumped and twirled in the air.  The surface seemed to be made of crystals.  Willow trees sawyed their long wispy branches over the water, stroking it gently.  The air was fresh, and cool.  And the silence was peaceful.  I walked up to the water, pulling off my sneakers and socks, and dashed into the water.  I didn't care if my clothes were soaked, it was so refreshing.  I expected to swim, with Bright Eye grazing lazily at the bank, but in a wild splash and storm of scurrying fish, Bright Eye leaped into the water to join in the refreshing fun.  I laughed and splashed Bright Eyes warm back, and he dahsed through the silky water whinnying.  I giggled and kept  splashing the cool water on top of his gleaming body.  Soon, when we were both exhausted from our swim, we rode back to Bright Eyes clearing.  He settled down, and I ran with a swift goodbye to my house to tackle some homework.

I couldn't believe it.  I had been counting it down on my horse calender for what felt like years!  Ashley and I were having our sleepover tonight.  I had finally got our my mom into calling Ashleys mom, and my mom had agreed to letting me go hangout.  This was the only thing getting me up at 6:00 and actually getting me to school on time.  In fact, on my way, I visited Bright Eye and fed him some treats I had been saving for him on way to the school.  I happily explained to him how my special night was going to be absolutley perfect, and that I had arranged for Owen to come and feed him at night.  And I took off at full flight through the woods.  I arrived at the front of the doors to find all my classmates waiting.  Geez what I missed out on in the morning.  Ashley was waiting close to the entrence.  She was wearing shorts and a completley sparkly tank top.  She glittered in that shirt.  And Im sure she got a lot of attention.  I ran up to her and started to bounce off with new ideas for tonight.  We giggled happily, and I caught Kathrines death stare towards our direction.  I knew Katrhrine was jelous of Ashley, I could feel it.  It made me smile.  "Hey, quit staring!" Ashley snapped.  The whole crowd of students looked over at Kathrine.  Kathrine quickly snapped her head back to her gang.  I turned to Ashley with a grin, and the bell rang.

Could the school day go on any longer?  I never felt this boerd in school before, not when I had this awesome night planned ahead of me.  I glanced over at Ashleys desk.  I could tell she wasnt getting through the school day easily too.  I don't remember math every being this boring.  I caught Owen staring at me, his expression light, a small smile on his face.  I waved to him.  Ms. Bridges the math teacher walked in front of the class with stack of packets.  They looked like they weighed ten pounds each.  "Alright class, as you know, today is our chapter math test,"  What, chapter test, since when?  I quickly pulled out my school agenda.  Yep, there it was, chapter test, Friday, the 15th.  My heart sank slowly.  How could I have been so careless.  I started getting nervous.  Ms. Bridges eventually came to my desk and plopped the huge packet onto my desk.  "You studied, right Monica?"  I gulped, not daring to look up.  "Of course Ms. Bridges." I stated in a monotone.  I flipped open the packet.  It was like it was written in a foreign language.  Ashley leaned over next to me.  "Whats wrong?" I stared at her.  "I didn't know we had a chapter test!"  I screeched.  I began to work through the packet, skipping two problems on at least every page.  When I handed it in, I hoped Ms.Bridges would allow a retake soon.

When the bell rang, and me and Ashley exchanged smiles.  As we dashed outside, I just caught Owen before he left.  "Owen, Im going to be at a sleepover today, could you feed Bright Eye for me?"  He looked shocked.


"Yes you!"

"Does he remember me?'

"Of course!"

"Um alright."

I smiled at him.  "There's just a little bit of food in the bag, so give him all of it, I have to get more some how."  I frowned.  I hadn't thought about that, what did I think the bag was endless?  "I should be able to feed him again tomorrow, so its just one night."  He smiled back.  "Alright Monica, sure thing" And he took off.  I ran back to Ashley, and we sat on the schools stairs together.  We were quiet for a moment.  I could tell Ashley my secret, right?  I looked at her, and her soft expression.  Of course I could, but right when I opened my mouth, Kathrine walked up.  This time, she was alone.  My expression hardened.  "Hey Monica, we have to talk."  I glanced at Ashley.  She suddenly looked darkly up at her.  "I had a little conversation with Owen."  My heart dropped, I bit my lip and glanced at the dance poster.  Maybe it was too noticeable.  "That's right Monica.  Owens asking you to the dance!"  She burst out laughing.  "Get ready for your hot date Monica"  My face burned, was it bad if I wanted to go with Owen?  I felt terribly embarrassed.  "When did you find out about this!"  I hollered at her.  "Oh I just got Owen to talk!  Not that hard you no, being the baby he is."  I glanced down, not looking at her cackling face.  I noticed Ashley standing up.  "Can I ask you something Kathrine?"  I glanced up at Ashley, tears stinging my eyes.  "Who are you going to the dance with?"  Kathrine froze.  "Oh...Micheal."  Ashely narrowed her eyes.  "You sure about that Kathrine, well I'll just have to ask him that tomorrow won't I?"  Kathrine was at a loss for words I could tell.  I grinned.  "That wouldn't be necessary."  Ashley stepped up closer.  "Oh yes it would.  You know, it wasn't funny what you did in 5th grade, you didn't think I forgot...did you?"  Kathrine looked down.  "No" she murmured.  "Speak up!" shouted Ashley.  But Kathrine was already sprinting away.  I got up and gave Ashley a huge hug, and her mom finally drove up to pick us up.  Ashley was like the only girl I had ever seen stand up to Kathrine so far.

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