A girl and her horse Chapter 8

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A girl and her horse Chapter 8

I was climbing up a volcano.  The rock was hard and crumbly, and I could feel the heat crawling through my finger  tips.  So close to the top.  I climbed and peered into the bubbling of the hot lava down below through the little circle at the top.  Almost there.  I panted hard.  I had to make it.  Then, suddenly, a sharp beeping sound pierced through the dark night.  The volcano started to quake.  My mouth dropped open as I watched the hot red lava pour down over the top.  I screamed.  I woke up.  The beeping was still there.  I opened my eyes to the shimmering purple letters on my alarm clock.  I quickly sat up.  I was late for school.  I snatched my back pack and ran down the stairs and jumped the last four.  "Come on you have to go!" my mom whined as I ran out the door.  "Yes mom I know I'm going, can't you see!"  I inhaled a granola bar as I ran down the side walk.  My worn sneakers slapping the sidewalk so hard it hurt.  I eventually reached the school.  I ran up to the doors and tugged so hard my arm was almost pulled out of my socket.  Locked.  "Arghh.." I groaned.  I hated calling the office.  I slowly walked up to the metal box on the brick wall and pressed the cold hard button.  The office telephone rang.  I swayed back and fourth on my heels waiting.  "Yes.." spoke the monotone voice of the secretary.  "Um.. yes this is.."  but found myself interuppted.  "Yeah this is Monica right?"  I felt extremely uncomfortable.  "Yep, this is her."  There was a moment of silence, and a chirrping bird went flying by.  "I better not see this again Monica.  Second time this week you know."  There was a click from the door and she hung up.  "Yeah, I know."  I moaned and slowly walked into the building.  The school hallway was silent.  There was no one around.  I walked past the office and stared away at the grumpy old women sitting at the desk.  When I got past her evil glare, I ran up to class.  We were in reading.  I din't see the point in having reading in school.  I mean I read at home, most of the time.  I watched the clock most of the class time, and pretended to be interested in the book about water I had to read.  I noticed Kathrine and her goofy friends giggling about something, but of coarse the teacher didn't even notice.  How could she be so deaf.  I mean was she really on their side.  I had had better teachers than Ms.Ryans.  She was ok.  I herd the soft crunchy tear of lined paper being tore up.  I looked up from behind the book.  It was Kathrine and her friends .  Probably starting the whole note passing thing.  I glanced at the teacher.  She had her head burried into a thick book.  I looked back in time to see Micheal, the jock of our class pass a note onto my desk.  He liked Kathrine.  I knew it.  "Hey uh I think this is for you." He smirked and turned back around.  I made a disgusted face behind his back, and noticed Owen smiling in front of me.  I smiled back.  I tore the poorly folded piece of paper.  Do you like Owen?  I had to admit, Kathrine had the most beautiful gently flowing hand writing I had ever seen.  I scowled and scribbled back.  Yes...In fact, I do...AS A FRIEND!  I ferousiosly wrote hard on the paper and thrust it back into Micheals face.  He slowly took it and I watched the note being passed up.  Kathrine smirked and showed all her friends.  She quickly wrote something back and handed it to me.  ok... we will see about that...    I tore the note up.  I was seething. What was that supposed to mean anyway.  All of a sudden, Ms.Ryans looked up.  She stared at me, and I stared back.  She slowly looked down at the scraps on my desk.  I noticed Kathrine looking at me.  "Note passing." she said setting down her book.  The room was silent.  "So, who started it."  She stared around the room. There was three seconds of silence.  Then Kathrine spoke cooly.  "She did."  I didn't even have to look.  She held a cold stare and pointed her long index finger at me.  "It was Monica."  The whole class shifted their seats to turn to face me.  The only one who didn't was Owen.  He stared ahead.  To scared to speak I guessed, but really, I could have used back up right now.  But I wasn't mad, that's the way he was, shy.  "Monica," Ms.Ryans countinued softly.  "Ms.Ryans please, It wasn't me!"  I stared around the room helplessly.  Kathrine smirked.  "I'll let it go this time girls," she said giving the whole class a cold stare.  I sighed.  I was so mad at Kathrine.  I was almost ready to say something to the teacher, but I knew this would just make things worse between us.

I turned the corner out of my classroom to the hall way.  I fiddled with the combination on my lock and swung the cold metal door open.  A note fluttered to my feet from the locker.  I looked around and slowly picked the note up.  From Owen.  He wrote in scribbled writing:

Um..Dear Monica.

So I was wondering if maybe, you know after school sometime, you could take me to see Bright Eye again.  I had a lot of fun.   So..If thats ok, I'll be waiting by the play ground for you after school.  Hope to see you there.     Bye, Owen.

I quickly snatched up my back pack and ran out of the bulilding, forgetting my math textbook, notebook, folder, and 2 other things behind me.

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