Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

 I ran through the doors of the school into the sunshine.  I loved spring.  It had a happy feeling to it.  Maybe it was because I was an outdoors person.  I left before most kids, Kathrine didn't even have a chance to catch me and taunt me today, and I was NOT going to let here get in my way anymore.  I had a horse to take care of.  I ran the back way past the play ground again to the forest.  I was smiling and couldn't wait to reach the forest, when I heard a shout behind me. "Wait!" it called.  I stopped and almost fell in my abrupt stop.  I slowly turned around to see the boy with the denim jacket running up to me.  Me? I thought.  I slowly glanced behind me to see if he was calling to someone behind me, but no, I was the only one there.  "I wanted to talk to you!" he said panting as he reached me.  All of a sudden, he suddenly became shy.  "Well I ah, kinda, you know just wanted to let you know that ah, well, I didn't think it was funny what Kathrine did to you."  I Stopped glancing around nervously and stared at him with my eyes wide.  All I could here was the birds chirping and the slight hush of the breeze.  He was looking down shyly.  "You know, that's really nice of you to say that."  I spoke gently.  He looked up.  "Yeah I just wanted to let you know that ah, I feel bad, and ah... yeah so anyways my name is Owen."  He slowly stuck out his hand and I shook it.  "Yeah so um, We can talk tomorrow I have to go, but I really enjoyed meeting you."  "Really!  Um well see you around." he replied,  and he turned around and bolted away before I could say bye.

I reached the clearing where Bright Eyes was, and I introduced him to his new name.  I fed him some carrots I had saved from my lunch tray at school.  I knew it wasn't enough, and I was going to have to make some money to buy some horse feed from the tack shop down the street.  We lived in the country area, and a lot of people owned horses, so their were plenty of shops for horses around here.  And as I listened to the relaxing crunch of the small carrots.  I found myself sitting down against a tree talking to him about my troubles in school, and my new friend.  I felt as though he understood, and I liked talking to him.  I never had such a nice quiet conversation with someone like this before.  It was the afternoon, and the sun was at it's last hour before it would slip away into the sky.  It sparkled through the trees, and the branches waved in the cool spring wind.  I loved the feel of it in my hair and how it waved the trees long arms and made them come to life.  It was then that I felt the trust in Bright Eyes, and I untied him from the tree.  He was like a bird set free from a cage and he loved to move around.  He walked around, and he never ran away, and when sunset drew near, he let me tie him back up again.  "Good bye Bright Eyes."  I smiled at him and kissed him, then I slowly walked away. 

 The next morning, I woke up at 6:12 and took a shower.  The house was really cold, and I hated getting out of the shower, but eventually did, threw on jeans, black rubber boats, and a pink t-shirt.  I ran down the stairs for breakfast and got a bowl of cereal.  I sat the table silently.  All I could here was the crunch of my cereal and the quiet tick tock of a clock that I didn't know where it was coming from.  By the time it was 6:47, I had dumped my cereal in the sink and sat at the table quietly doing some home work I couldn't finish from last night.  I then loaded my navy back pack and headed to school.  An hour later, I had slowly unloaded my stuff into my locker and taken my usual seat at the back of the classroom.  Kathrine entered the room with silver flats with diamonds popping up all over the shoe.  She wore a yellow tank top with a denim jacket and a denim skirt.  Her blond hair was tied up in a high pony tail all silky and smooth.  She looked around the room, her girls following behind and spotted me.  I groaned as she walked over.  She leaned over my desk and whispered "I know your secret."

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