Chapter 11

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The car smelled fresh and new.  I leaned back and relaxed.  This was going to be perfect, me and Ashley giggled and talked all the way to her house.  I hadnt realized we were going through a forest area, with big looming houses.  I had never been in this part of town.  The sun sparkled through the tall thin trees lining the road.  Little animals and creatures scurried farther into the brown leaves as we passed.  There were some cottages that were cute and cosy, and some others that made you drop your mouth wide open.  I stared out at the houses, in awe.  I hadn't even realized that Ashley was saying something to me.  "Hello?"  She gave me a funny look.  "Oh sorry, its houses are so beautiful!"  She smiled.  "I know."  We eventually pulled into a long winding driveway.  I was almost nervous and excited to see what was at the end of her driveway.  Was it a big house?  Tall and amazing like the others.  I finally saw her house.  And my mouth dropped like my jaw had suddenly snapped.  Tall, brick, and big.  Small vines crawled up on one side of the house.  And small windows peeked out everywhere.  A big garage stood on our left.  It was just all amazing, and I knew they had a lot of land, I could tell.  Ashleys mom pulled up in front of the garage.  We got out of the car, swinging our backpacks over our shoulders, including my overnight bag.  We started towards the house.  We entered through the rather large front door and into a hallway and into a foyer.  The walls were red, and a huge spiral staircase wound up to the second level.  The floor was carpet. Straight ahead were glass doors opening up into their backyard.  "How about we bring our stuff up to my room, and I can show you the house."  I gazed around.  "Sure."  I followed Ashley up the stairs.  At the top of the stairs, I looked over the railing at the foyer below.  "Over hear!"  Ashlley called.  I follwed the railing down until I came to a white door.  It was open a crack.  I pushed it open.  Ashley was standing in the middle of her room.  "Well here it is."  I stared around in amazement.  "It's beautiful Ashley!"  Her walls were pink, and she had white carpet.  A tall white bookshelf stood against her wall.  Her white bed had polka dotted sheets, and a fluffy looking pink comforter.  I couldnt help but notice her glimmering white desk underneath the big window, with the beautiful shining pink laptop on it.  I always wanted a laptop.  "You can leave your bags anywhere."  I plopped my bags on the floor, still gazing around.  "The bathrooms over there too if you ever need to use it."  I looked out the door.  "Oh, um mine is in my rooom sorry."  I looked at her.  "You have your own bathroom!  Thats so cool!"  She blushed.  "Thanks."  I was so amazed  "Alright, lets go see the rest."  I followed her out the door.  I noticed she became rather quiet as we walked around the rest of the house, almost sad looking.  "Is everything ok?" I asked.  "Well, I have to ask you something."  I was puzzled.  "Anything."  She looked down.  "Ok, well, do you think im spoiled?"  I was suprised.  "No not at all, why would you think that!  Kathrines spoiled.  Shes a snob, your a friend."  She smiled.  "Really?  You mean it.?"  "Of course I do, its the truth."   I glanced around.  All the rooms were so spacious.  We finished a couple of rooms and ran downstairs to the kitchen.  Her mom had prepared lemonade and freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.  I thought of Bright Eye, us living together on a big property like this.  I could afford to keep him, close to me, all the time.  I dreamt off, and almost didn't even hear Ahley speak as she called my name.  "Hey, Monica wake up.  I think you dreamt off for a sec."  I stared around.  "I think I did too."  I returned her smile.  "Hey I wanted to ask you something."  Ashley took a giant bite into her cookie.  "Yeah."  She said.  "What did Kathrine do to you, I mean, if you don't mind me asking and all."  She shook her head.  "Oh no, no.  I don't care.  I guess it wasn't really a big deal.  Back in the fifth grade, she used to pretend we were friends.  I was blind back then.  Then, one day during lunch, as I was walking back to my seat with my lunch tray, she tripped me.  It was probablly one of the most embarrasing moments of my life."  It sounded horrible.  I could almost feel her embarrasment.  "That is a big deal.  It must have been terrible." She frowned.  "It was."  It was silent for a moment.  "Shes hurt everyone in a way, don't worry about it too much."  I nodded.  What could you do, nothing I guess.  I had the sudden urge to call Owen.  I suddenly realized my need for Bright Eye.  He comforted me the way Ashley did.  I had to make sure Owen would keep his word.  "Could I use a phone..please?"  Ashley asked no questions.  I liked that.  "Right over there."  I spotted the phone over by fridge.  "Thanks."  I got up and dialed Owens home phone.

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