Chapter 9 A girl and her horse

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The sky was looking over cast, and my heart sank.  I hated gloomy weather.  It was always so sad looking.  I searched around for Owen.  Most of the kids had left, except for a couple of kids hanging around at the park.  I noticed Owen again leaning against the park fence.  He had a blank expression on his face, and was staring at something on the school wall.  It looked like a poster, but I didint have time to look at posters now.  I dashed over to him.  "Hey!" I said.  "Oh hey."

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah only thing getting me through the school today!"

He smiled, and I grinned back.  We set off walking along the path outside of the park to the back of the school where the forest was.  I turned around to him.  "We should better hurry, It might rain!"  And we began running.  Without realizing it, we began racing down the path.  I had to admit, he was pretty fast, and he never seemed to be the athletic type.  I picked up speed, thinking of Bright Eye.  I could never match Bright Eyes speed.  We soon reached the darkening forest, and our race became harder.  Twice I stumbled, but got up grinning.  We reached Bright Eye faster than I expected we would.  He looked more majestic than ever.  He was looking fuller, and strong.  When he saw us, he walked over.  We both pet him for a long time, stroking him with gentle hands over his sleek black coat.  Owen had looked as if he was going to say something a couple of times, but he didnt.  We were quite.  And I pulled out some feed for him and we sat on the damp ground and watched him munch on his food.  Finally Owen spoke up.  "Have you ever....took him for a ride?  Well, I mean thats probablly a stupid question, I mean you dont have a saddle."  I looked at him curiously.  "Well people do ride bareback sometimes don't they?"  He shot a glance at me.  "So you have!"  I looked down wondering if Bright Eye could carry two.  "Well actually, yeah I have!"  He looked pretty impressed.  "Would, you um, like to try, and ride him, together?"  At first, he looked at me as if I was mad, but his expression lightened.  "I trust you Monica!"  And he stood up and walked over to Bright Eye.  It was getting late, and tiny stars were prickly everywhere like holes in the sky.  Would we have enough time?  I decided to do it.  I helped Owen clambor onto Bright Eyes back, and I climbed on behind him.  Bright Eye wasnt phased a bit.  He was so good.  An angel, a friend, my horse.  We began to trot slowly, and Owen looked as though this wasnt a good idea any more.  "Its okay, ive done this before."  We began to take off faster, and faster, and Owen was starting to enjoy himself.  Owen clutched Bright Eyes powerful neck, and I hung onto Owens shoulders.  I realized that Bright Eye was taking us to the same place we went on my first ride with him.  I began to get that powerful sensation, as if we were leaving the ground.  I loved going so fast.  Dark glimmering woods fled behind us.  It was all a blur.  Soon, we reached the rocky path, with the view of the valley.  The moon was climbing high in the sky.  Everything was fresh and bright in the moonlight.  The moon was full, and glimmering like a pearl.  Bright Eye breathed heavily, and Owen was silent.  I knew he had enjoyed.  We all took in the beautiful view, and after awhile, Owen spoke.  "Monica....your totally cool."  I smiled.

The next day at school, I couldnt get that night out of my mind.  It had to be a dream.  I was day dreaming when I heard those annoying giggles again.  Kathrine.  "Yeah wait till she finds out she will totally go I know it.  We have to plan something.  Ruin it for her.  I felt as if she was talking about me, but what could it mean?  After school, I stepped into the hallway.  A group of girls were all crowded around one of the posters I recognized as the one Owen was staring at.  They were giggling about it and talking about their outfits.  I realized it was a poster for the school dance.  Oh no!  Could that be what Kathrine was talking about.  I quickly thought of Owen.  I grabbed my backpack, and bolted down the stairs, out the doors, and to my house. 

I sat with a huge pile of homework at my desk.  Homework was getting trickier, and I wasnt doing so well as I was spending so much time in the woods with Bright Eye.  But for some reason, I couldnt figure out why I was so worked up about this dance.  I mean, I kinda liked Owen, so, why would I be so worried about it.   I tapped my pencil on my desk and sat doing nothing for awhile.  Then I pulled on my pajamas, brushed my teeth, and hopped into bed, miserable about school.  At least it was a lmost over soon.

Next morning, I woke up really late.  7:00, and I was supposed to be there at 7:30.  I quickly thrust the covers back and sat up.  I stretched looking out the window, into the forest.  It was raining, and the trees were sparkly with water.  I got up and walked over clumsily to my closet.  I opened the door and peered inside the dark closet.  I pulled out a pair of skinny jeans, and a sweatshirt.  My sweatshirt featured a clysdale, and its foal.  I loved it so much.  I lazily walked down the satirs.  I began to grab a bowl and my cereal and brought it to the table.  I didn't even realize my mom at the table.  "What do you think your doing!  Its around 7:15!  Get to school now!"  She tossed me a granola bar.  I groaned.  I swung my backpack onto my shoulder and walked out the front door.  "We have to figure out how to start getting you up early for school Monica!"  my mom whined.  I scoweled and slammed the door hard behind me.  I stomped down the sidewalk to school chewing my granola bar.

We weren't even half way through the school day yet.  My stomach was empty, and I looked on jelously at Kathrine and her friends slipping snacks to eachother when the teacher wasn't looking.  Gradually, the silent classroom broke into chatter.  Ms.Ryans seemed to tired to care about our chit chat.  I didn't mind.  I liked to hear people talking when I worked rather than the sad silence we usually suffer through.  I was happily doodiling horses galloping across my english worksheet when I felt a rough tap on my shoulder.  I turned around suprised, suspecting Owen, but I forgot he wasn't here today.  I looked around and saw a girl.  She had bright red hair pulled back in an inward bun, and a black headband.  She had a black top with a purple edge, jeans, and expensive looking black boots.  Sparkling gold jewlery had glittered on her.  She looked rich.  She was thin, and had a wide smile.  "Hi!  My name is Ashley, Ashley Banks."  I was speechless.  Had she always been in my class?  I never realized her before.  I didn't know a lot of my classmates.  "I noticed your um, drawing."  I stared down at it.  "This?"  I questioned.  "Yeah!  I draw too!" she said excitedly.  I realized her desk wasn't far from mine.  She grabbed her english paper, and I stared at it.  She hadn't drawn horses, but giraffes, running in the savannah.  It was amazing!  The giraffes long necks were so detailed.  The picture just came alive.  She was really good.  "Wow,"  I gaped at her.  "Your amazing! My name is Monica."  I stuck out my hand and she gladly took it.  "So....maybe, I was thinking, maybe we can...hang out sometime."  She smiled at me.  "I'd love too!"  And for the rest of the English class, we drew together. 

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