Chapter One

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A girl and her horse

Chapter 1 A found friend

My name is Monica.  I'm 16 , and a normal girl who gos to a normal school and lives in a normal house with a normal life.  I don't have a big house, or a a lot of friends, or fancy clothes like all the other rich girls in my school.  But i do have a secret.  No one knows and will ever know, and I'll make sure of it.  It all started at school.  It was a normal school day, but like all ways, I was loaded with homework to keep me busy the whole night.  I was walking home from school, my mom and i didn't have a car, and yes i don't have a father, but my mom has never told me why.  Anyways, of coarse stuck up little Kathrine comes up and  says something smart and nasty, and annoying with her little click of popular girls.  I mean, what made them popular anyways, they were never on TV or anything.  "Hey Monica, she sneered.  "Another boring outfit I see."  She said glancing down at my torn jean shorts and white t-shirt, analyzing everything wrong about me.   She smirked and turned and exchanged a sneer with her sassy stupid friends.  She was skinny and had a pretty face, and her hair was always straight and neat, unlike my long, slightly curly hair which was never straight.  She wore expensive make up, and I knew she was rich.  "Well as much as I would like to stand her and criticize your looks, I'm going to a game with my FATHER this afternoon.  She leaned back and laughed along with her prissy friends.  I could almost feel the steam bursting out of my ears.  

That was it, I was at the end of my rope with this chick.  My mind was going crazy with rage, and it took me a second to gather up my words I had for her.  "You know what, you don't have a life!  Your life is too just sit back and fail school and analyze people's looks and ways!  Your a Jerk!"  Kathrine stepped back dazed with her mouth hanging open.  She looked around and then stared at me her lips pursed.  "Well,"  she said.  "Well I'd say the same thing about you wouldn't you agree girls!"  She said looking back at her click.  "I mean, what do you do in your life, huh?  You don't have a TV or anything to do in your life, do you?  I mean come on, you should look in the mirror sometimes, I mean, what are you?"  She leaned closer as she said this, so close I could see the little sparkles on her glossy lips.  "Your a nobody.  Well, got to go, i mean we don't want to stand here too long, it makes people think you have friends."  She and her friends wheeled around and laughing with stupid grins on their face, walked down the side walk.  I couldn't help it and didn't care.  The tears streamed down my face as I looked around.  My vision was blurry, and the laughter of school kids and cheerful faces meant nothing to me.  I sobbed and stood there, and i didn't care about how it was sunny and beautiful.  I didn't have a anything to look forward too or love.  

As hot wet tears streamed down my face like waterfalls, i noticed a boy messy brown hair and big bright eyes.  A leather black jacket and black sneakers.  He was leaning against the fence to the play ground and had a sad worried expression on his face.  He probably had seen all the embarrassing things that had just happened.  I ran up the hill past the play ground to the forest at the back of the school.  But the strange part was, I think I heard the boy shout "Hey!"  but i wasn't sure.  Probably not.  I mean who would want to talk to me.

I ran through the brown forest blindly with tears streaming down my face, running into branches, watching cuts run up my arms and legs from the sharp branches.  I didn't know where i was, or realized how far I was into the forest.  I sat down on the back of a scratchy tree trunk catching my breath, still crying my eyes out.  My head was heavy as it hung in my scratched up palms.  I heard animals scamper away to my loud rush through the forest, but something else too.  It sounded like  something big breathing, like a dragon asleep.  It was quiet, except for the heavy breathing.  What could it be.  I slowly looked around the tree trunk and gasped, my mouth hanging open.  There was a huge black horse tied to a tree.  It had a black coat and long black hair.  He was very muscular, but  It was skinny and his hair was tangled.  He had tired eyes, and a dirty mangy coat, but in my eyes, he was the most beautiful thing i had ever laid my eyes on.  I also noticed an old red halter on him.  He looked over at me and flicked up his ears.  He had deep, never ending gray eyes, and met my gaze.  And as we stared into each other, I felt a strange connection between us, a long hard life of pain and and abuse.  

I stood up slowly and walked toward the towering, powerful horse.  He didn't move, and the only thing between was the strange call of a distant bird.  I walked up slowly, my heart pounding with every step I took.  He looked down at me, and I stuck out my hand, shaking nervously.  He started breathing heavily out of his flaring nostrils, and I my eyes were glued to his as I walked closer, almost there.  And then i finally felt the warmth of his nose in my palm.  "H-hey boy." I said.  I couldn't help but smile.  "Your beautiful, you know."  I said slowly running my hand over his neck.  "Your very gentle, aren't you." I murmured.  As i ran my hand over his face, he backed away.  "Oh," I murmured.  "That hurts doesn't it."  I noticed the halter was very small, and digging into his skin.  "I'll get it it off.  He looked at the ground.  "I'll get a knife or something."  I couldn't  get the rusty buckle undone.  "It's OK." I said.  Excitement was bubbling inside me. His owners abused him.  This beautiful horse was abused by some jerk.  But hes mine now.  I had something Kathrine would never have, not a pretty dress, or a new make up set,  I had a horse.

I ran through the woods, panting hard with excitement.  I had to get home and grab a knife, I had to save my horse.  I ran through the woods and found the familiar large oak tree.  I always played in these woods when i was little, and still did when i had time, and I remember that oak tree and how it told me home was near.  I ran around it's towering trunk and out of the woods into the bright sunshine.  A colorful butterfly passed by as i fumbled with the latch of the gate in my back yard.  I ran through the tall grass in my yard and it tickled my legs as I ran.  I dashed up the porch and flung open the creaky screen door.  My mother was at the sink washing dishes, and she smiled as I ran in.  "Well hello!" she said.  I didn't have time, I quickly ran to the kitchen utensil draw and flung it open scanning for a knife that would gently cut the halter off.  She frowned.  "What are you doing?" She looked sideways at me and there was an awkward silence that filled the room.  I stopped and turned and looked at her.  "Well, um I kinda need a knife for something." I smiled, trying to show everything was OK and normal.  "Well I can cut something for you if you need it you know." she said casually.  "What is this for?"  I couldn't tell her about my horse.  I wouldn't tell anyone.  "Never mind." I groaned and stomped out of the kitchen into the hall way.  I never got into trouble with my mom, and didn't like to, but I couldn't help the mischievous smile that crept onto my face.  I walked quietly into the living room and up to the blue bookshelf in the corner of the room.  I don't read much, but I liked to draw, and most of the books were thick dusty encyclopedias.  I bit my lip and looked behind me towards the kitchen, then slid my hand down the shelf and knocked the books with a loud clatter to the floor.  Then I ran into the kitchen and shouted "Mom I think the book shelf is falling apart!"  

"What! Did you touch it!" and she stormed off into the living room.  I quickly picked a knife out of the draw and called "Going to play outside, see you later!"  Then I carefully pulled out some carrots from the fridge, then opened the door, and ran into the forest. 

A girl and her horseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang