How I Met Your Mummy!

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Captain Jack & Morgan Louis
In 1727

On Valentine's Day, Captain Jack tells Maggie the true story of how he met and fell in love with her mother, Morgan.

Featured Song:
Love & Affection by Nelson:

Maggie Sparrow liked to assume she had a... more than average intelligence, for a someone her age. However there were still some things in life she was clueless about, one of them being... ugh, love. And today was Valentine's Day, a whole day dedicated to the age-old concept of being with another person for the rest of your life. Protecting each other, sharing with each other, forsaking all others... blah-blah-blah!

Maggie just couldn't wrap her head around it, how could anyone be obsessed with someone that much? What's the point of it? As she walked around the streets of Tortuga that morning, Maggie saw pirates fawning over wenches, sailors returning home to kiss their wives and a blonde wench sitting in her father's lap--

Hold up!

Maggie did a double take and stared into the window of the Faithful Bride pub. Sure enough, a flaxen-haired wench was sitting in her father's lap, pursing her lips at him as she caressed his face.

"Oh, heck to the no" Maggie growled as she turned into the pub. She walked past men who were clanging tankards and singing sea shanties off-key until finally arriving at the table. She slammed her hands down on the table, causing Captain Jack to gasp and the wench to glare in her direction.

"Hello, Father" Maggie stared him down with an unamused face.

"Maggie!" Jack's mouth formed a straight line. "This is a friend of mine, Claudia."

"Nice to meet you, Chlamydia" Maggie quipped, causing Jack to choke on his drink.

"No, it's Claudia" the blonde wench told her.

"Is it really though?" Maggie asked her, smirking.

Claudia stifled a growl as she stared down at the young girl. "You must be Jacky's younger sister?" She assumed.

Maggie glanced at her father. "And you must've left your seeing eye dog outside!" she chuckled.

"Maggie!" Jack scolded.

"Oh, it's fine" Claudia said with a wave of her hand. "Jacky, what's say you put little Maggot here to bed, so I can put you to bed..." she put a hand on his inner thigh.

Maggie could feel the heat radiating off her cheeks. "Get off my Daddy!" She raised her voice at the wench. "You're not at work and he's not a pole!"

That did the trick, with a gasp and a smack to Captain Jack's cheek, Claudia stalked off, fuming.

Jack sat up in his seat, rubbing his stinging cheek. "Maggie..." he said sternly.

"Well, she had it coming!" Maggie argued.

"Maggie!" He scowled.

"Sorry, Daddy..." Maggie's eyes fell to her booties.

Captain Jack sighed, seeing her cower. "Eh, I don't think she was my type anyway" he smiled, putting his arm around his daughter. "Besides why do I need her, when I got a pretty girl like you to keep me company."

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