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I woke up when Enzo woke me up.
Enzo:we've arrived.
Me:oh.Thank you.
He nodded and I moved my head away from his shoulders.
It was kind of comfy but I had to move it or else I won't be able to get out of the car.
He got out first and I took my bag before I got out.
So I practically slept the whole of this journey?
I thanked the driver and walked to the house.It smelt fresh.
Enzo:I had people cleaning it after we left yesterday.
Me:I would've cleaned it when we came back.
Enzo:You can't always be expected to clean.You have school.
Me:and I'm a wife too.Your wife to be specific.
Enzo:still,don't strain yourself too much with house duties.
Me:yes sir.
If my husband says I shouldn't do a lot of household chores I won't do them.
He took the luggage upstairs and I followed him.
Me:what do you want to eat?
Enzo:we'll eat out.
Me:takeout is not healthy,this time you'll actually gain weight.
Enzo:okay,we'll eat at a restaurant if thats what you want.
He said unbuttoning the top button of his shirt.
Me:thank you.
The food is actually nice.
Me:now we're eating healthy.
Enzo:and if you're already obsessed with healthy food...
Me:I want healthy eating habits only.What will the kids learn if their father eats unhealthy food?
He chuckled.
Enzo:guess you're right.

Well today I had decided to eat out and I passed by this nice restraurant.They sell thee best.
I entered and I sat down.And there he was.He was with his kid wife.I mean an 18 year old.I'm older than her and matured but not to worry.My plan is coming along just right.That marriage will be over by next year and I'll be the wife.His wife.He will worship the ground I walk on.Call it wicked but honey I'm just doing what I can to secure whatever I want.I can see the diamond ring on my finger,one bigger than hers and him saying "I love you"to me at the aisle.This will have a beautiful ending once she is not in the picture.

This week will be a long one.I have lectures till three tomorrow.I need to get some sleep.Enzo was the one driving.
Me:I heard your mom say your younger brother is 19.
Enzo:he is and he is coming this week and knowing Sbu he will walk inside my house like he owns the damn place.
He sounded pretty annoyed.Then I should definitely meet his younger brother is he annoys my husband like this.
I got out of the car first and he followed.As I unlocked the door I felt his hands wrap around my waist.
This guy likes touching me and I kind of like it.
I moved my hand to his hand.He has strong hands.
I unlocked the door while his hands where all over me.
We walked slowly inside the house like that.I turned to lock the door again.
He just picked me up and walked up the stairs carrying me.
Me:I'm not heavy am I?
When we got to the bedroom he just laid me on the bed.
I sat up straight.
He unbuttoned his shirt and I faced the other side.
This time he made me face him.
Enzo:there is no use being scared.
Me:I'm not.
Enzo:then don't face the other way.
I just remained still and I watched him undress.My eyes widened.Jehovah!
He chuckled.
Enzo:anything wrong?
Me:Uhm,yoh!...nothing is wrong.
Enzo:if you say so.
I just stood up and got undressed.I wore my sleeping shirt.
I got undercovers and he switched off the lights and joined me.
He just pulled me to him which was unusual.
Enzo:you're different.
Me:I should be saying that.I never say this but I think I'm starting to like you.I get such weird feelings when I'm around you.
He chuckled.
Enzo:sleep.You have lectures tomorrow.Should I take you to school?
Me:that would be nice.Thank you.And you can pick me up after class?
Enzo:What time?
Me:around five o'clock.Class ends around 3.I know Lisa won't be in school for the whole week.Make it half three.I don't know what I'll be doing in school anyway.
Enzo:so around 3:30?
Me:yes sir.Any work I have can I do it in your office so long?
Enzo:of course.
Me:I'm sleeping.Goodnight.
I just placed my head on his chest and my heart started to beat in weird but nice way.

At school it was hectic as always.I just can't wait to go home and relax.I bumped into Zekethelo by mistake.
Me:I'm sorry.I really am.
Zek:oh!You can go shove your apology somewhere else.
Me:I really mean it.It was a mistake.
I said kneeling down to pick up my books.
Zek:just because she's taking big dicks she thinks she is a woman now?oh wow!Princess let me tell you this.
I finished picking up my books and I stoop up.
Zek:you will regret the day you married Jordan.
I calmed myself down.Don't get angry Selena.Calm your heart down.We don't want a repeat of what happend 13 years ago.
Me:Zekethelo don't push it.Just because I'm quiet doesn't mean you can talk to me anyhow.
Zek:You're still a child.A sheltered princess.You think he will protect you or king daddy will run to your rescue?you have another thing coming
Me:Don't be so sure of yourself.Have a good day
And she decided to scream.
Zek:you man stealing bitch.
I glanced her way
Me:you asked for it....
Wait!let me just calm down before I do something I might regret.I sat down on a bench and all eyes were on me.She called me a man stealing bitch.Honestly no one has never crossed that line before.
Me:Lord I'll forgive her and calm down.She didn't know what she was doing.She didn't know Lord.
I breathed in and out.I need to get my compusure back.I stood up and walked to class.I'm not angry anymore.I'm fine now.
Immediately after class I went to the gate to wait for Enzo.God knows I don't need anyone making angry.
His car came and I just got inside.Be a wife.He doesn't need to know about this.
Enzo:hey.You good?
He asked kissing my cheek.I smiled.
Me:I'm good thank you.
Me:Its okay.
Enzo:You need to eat.
Me:Its okay really.
Enzo:and I wasn't debating.
He is controlling but what can I say?I married him did I not?
He drove to McDonald's and I wasn't that hungry to be honest.I just ordered a burger and a McFlurry.
Enzo:and she was preaching about healthy food yesterday.
I smiled.He remembered.
Me:an unhealthy meal won't hurt.
Enzo:if you say so.

Well the week passed and all classes I had for Friday were cancelled.It was a relief.
I woke up early on Friday morning and did my daily routine.
Enzo:I'm not going to work.
Me:and you didn't tell me yesterday.
Enzo:it slipped my mind.
Me:I ironed and did everything.I even made breakfast.
Enzo:I have better ideas.
He pulled me to him and I ended up on top of him.
He just kissed me.
I put my hands on his chest.He is so hard and strong.
He broke it.
Enzo:but I'll wait.
Wait.It means I'm going to sleep with him?like sex?when a man and a woman become one?
Enzo:are you okay?
He just made me wrap my legs around his waist and got off the bed with me in that position.
Me:where are we going?
Enzo:to the gym room.
We got there and he placed me down.
I sat on one of the chairs.
Enzo:do you ever exercise?
Me:once or twice in a month.Its not an everyday thing.
He just got on the treadmill and started to exercise.I mean he was in his boxers.
30 minutes later he was looking glorious as sweat covered his whole upper body.It was like he stepped out of a movie or something along those lines.I was still sitting down.Plus I'm in my pyjamas.
He started doing pressups.I had an idea.I bit my lower lip.Why do I have crazy ideas where he's concerned?
Me:can I try something.
He continued with his pressups and I just sat on his back.
He chuckled.
Enzo:you think you're heavy?
Me:I do eat.
He did the pressups like before.It was like I wasn't even sitting on his back.
Me:how do you do that?
Enzo:muscles and strength.Perks of gym.
Me:I give up.
I stood up and he stopped the pressups and stood up.
When we were both cleaned up,we had breakfast and he decided to take me shopping.Weird right?
Anyway shopping was cool.I didn't buy a lot of stuff.He just bought a few jeans here and there.He wears only custom designed suits so he didn't buy any formal wear.
We had lunch by some restraurant and talked.I'm discovering so much about him hey.
We got home pretty late around 7.We practically spent the whole day in town.
I had a shower while he was in the study.

Fuck!I'm done being patient.
I walked to the room and she was still in her towel.She was sitting down looking at her reflection.
Enzo just made his way to her and made her stand up.
She stood up as Enzo dropped the towel.Nomtha felt exposed but Enzo was her husband she had to do it.It was going to happen one way or another.Enzo being the dominating man he was he just held her neck.
Nomtha was scared.She thought he was going to choke her as his grip on her neck tightened a bit.
He loosened his grip on her neck as he assessed her whole body.
She was beautiful no lie.Had the perfect hips and ass.And it would be such an appealing sight to see his handprints on that arse of hers.And he had to be gentle.She was a virgin.He remembered.He was not used to being gentle on women.She was an exception.But not for long.
Enzo just picked her up and placed her on the bed.
Nomtha's eyes closed as he was on top o her.To say she was nervous was an understatement.She was scared.She heard that breaking one's virginity is painful and she wasn't used to pain.Pain was something she never experienced.She felt his hand trace her body and her heart beat accelerated.She was afraid.Afraid of what he would do to her and she couldn't say no.He was her husband.
Enzo smiled to himself.He wanted to tie her up but he dismissed that thought.She looked scared already and what he was used to might scare the poor child.
Enzo:relax Nomthandazo.
Nomtha:Yes sir.
She still had her eyes closed and all she wanted was for him to finish whatever he wanted to do.To get it over and done with.

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