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Me:am I doing something wrong?is there anything wrong with me?
His eyes showed a bit of concern and he quickly masked that.
Enzo:wait.You think something is wrong with you?No.You're perfect okay?
He stood up and just held my hands.I think I felt butterflies in my tummy.This was an unusual feeling.
Enzo:Don't doubt yourself like that.You're everything a man could look for and more.
He said as he slowly placed a kiss on my forehead.
I smiled.
Me:thank you.
Enzo:don't do that to yourself you hear?
I nodded.
Enzo:or else I'll have to deal with you.
His voice became a bit dark that moment.
He pulled me to him and he just held my waist.
Enzo:you're so small and fragile do you know that?
I nodded.
Enzo:It just...
He trailed off.And this time he wanted to eat my food.I served him and well Sbu said he is going out to a club or something.
Enzo:Sbusiso not a dent on my car.
Sbu:I promise big bro.
Enzo:I'm serious.Dare drive my car drunk and scratch it boy you are going to pay.Believe me.
I saw Sbu swallowing as fear crept on his face.
Sbu:I wont.
He left and it was just me and my husband.
He looked at me and it looked like he was studying my features.
Blush crept on my cheeks and he chuckled.That chuckle kind of like sent a sensation to a place somewhere in my body.And that place hasn't been touched since that night.
Enzo:Umuhle yazi Nomthandazo?
And he was speaking xhosa now.And his deep voice.I wish God didn't give him such a deep voice cause its enough to make any girl lose their sanity.
I couldn't answer him so I just stared at my ring.
Enzo:And she is shy?but its the truth.Umuhle.
Enzo:and you're welcome.
I was still avoiding eye contact.
Enzo:look at me.
I slowly raised my eyes and he had a side smile.Can this guy get any hotter than he is right now?
Enzo:thank you for the food.Its delicious.
Me:speaking of food,do you want dessert?
His eyes focused on me and I felt like he was undressing me with his eyes as he bit his lower lip.
Enzo:on second thoughts yes.I would love some dessert.
I stood up and left him eating as I walked to the kitchen.
So its just us two in the house?I was still in my skirt and blouse.I just dress modestly I guess.Thats how I was raised.
I checked the fridge for all the ingredients and thank heavens everything was there.I started to whip up some cream.
He walked in minutes later as he placed his plate in the sink.
Enzo:someone looks busy.
Me:busy for you.
He just looked at me and when I was done whipping the cream I placed it in the fridge and took out the fruits to dice and slice them.
Enzo:you have some cream on your face.
I just tried to wipe it with the back of my hand and he laughed gently.
Enzo:now you're smearing it all over your face.Come.Let me help you wipe it off.
He grabbed a kitchen cloth and dipped it in water.
Enzo:I don't bite Nomthandazo.
I stopped cutting and he walked to me and I did the same.
He looked at my face and started to wipe my forehead.

I was wiping her face and fighting off this strong need to have her.To be inside her.
I wiped her nose and I just wanted to lick the cream off her face.
I stopped as she raised her eyes at me.She is so innocent and I don't know why that turns me on.
I slowly dropped the kitchen cloth to the floor and my hands slowly snaked around her tiny waist.
I started kissing her forehead as she closed her eyes.
I kissed her nose bridge and I finally moved to those lips of hers.She welcomed me as her lips parted and my tongue thrusted inside her mouth.
Me:allow me to do this.
Noma:do anything you want.
Anything?she doesn't know whats she's letting me have freedom to do to her.
Our tongues danced as my fingers moved to her neck.

He stepped back and stared into my eyes as his gaze pierced my skin .My head dropped to avoid his intense stare I was getting soaked .
He reached for the freezer handle and slid the door open ... I was anxious as to what was behind the door as I heard the shuffling his I couldn't take off my eyes from his veined arm and I swallowed feeling a little uneasy ...
Finally his head rose back and his hand was accompanied by frozen ice cubes he gave me that panty soaking smirk and i could feel my heartbeat on my pussy ...he stepped towards me and pressed his body against mine
I stared without backing down ...He took another step and another until the island unit was my barrier .
Nomtha: I thought we making dessert
Enzo: I''d like it better served on you
My cheeks instantly turned red
Enzo: Blushing now are we
That alone sent a throb down there
He took my hand in his I obeyed and he got rid of my clothing in swift movements as the clothes dropped on the floor ... i was a little cold and his breath tickled my ear... menacing shivers coaxed my body and I felt an urge there and then ... He only got rid of his top and remained with jeans . He unbuttoned his jeans and the bulge was not that hard to see ... my throat became dry staring at the ohh so huge little guy ...
He laid me down and reached for my bra ... he hushed me with a jockeying stare and wrapped it round my face ...

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