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Well I was talking to Lisa and she was so excited.
Me:Lisa stop screaming.You might damage my hearing.
Lisa and I are opposites.I'm quiet and she's loud but we are a match if I may say so myself.
Me:as I was saying can you come with your car?
Lisa:of course.Plus mom doesn't want me to live in Res.
Me:hau!thats a bummer.
Lisa:I know hey.I will be living with my brother.
Me:isn't he like married?
Lisa:He is.Mom says it is safer that way because I won't misbehave when he is around.
I understand what her mom is saying, Lisa is also of royalty so she shouldn't be doing anything to taint the royal name.

Fun fact, Lisa approached me first because I was too shy to do so.

Me:As long as I have a ride to the mall I'm sorted.Lisakhanyo?
Lisa:yes mom?
I giggled a bit.She says I'm too uptight but that's plain boring me.
Me:I L...I can't.
Lisa:still can't say the L word?
Me:I can't and you get me.Don't rush the process.
The door opened and I glanced and I glanced at that direction.
Me:Lisa I have to go.Talk via whatsapp.Bye.
I hung up and I was face to face with a lady.
Her eyes widened.I get that reaction a lot.I know my voice is so squeaky and small and I can't scream out loud.
Her:I'm your roommate Zekethelo.
Me:Nice to meet you Zekethelo,my name is Selena.
Zekethelo:nice to meet you Selena.
I prefer using that name for introductions.Nomthandazo is such a long name.
She smiled.
Zekethelo:you have such a small voice.
Me:I know hey.
Zekethelo:its like I know or saw you from somewhere.
Me:maybe you're confusing me with someone you know.
Zekethelo:yeah!First year?
I nodded.
Zekethelo:I'm doing my third year.
I just remained silent. There was nothing more I could say.
Zekethelo:not much of a talker?
Me:something like that.
She nodded.
I was taught not to judge but haike!she was wearing bum shorts and a sports bra.That's too personal but let me let Zekethelo be.Its her body and her life.

I finished packing my stuff and not everything fitted.That's a shame.
I will keep some in my suitcase.My parents wanted me to live in the real world.That is why they insisted I live in Res I guess.

I was wearing a white maxi dress with pumps and a black blazer.
I fixed my hair and applied some gloss to my lips.Never been a fan of makeup anyway.To me it's just way for women to hide their flaws and try to be perfect.Every woman is beautiful in their own right.They don't have to prove to the world that they are beautiful.
Anyways enough motivational talk.
I always talk way too much in my head and never to people.
I went to the admin's office and I asked about registration.
She said it was on Friday when all students have arrived.
And its Tuesday.Yoh!
I thanked her and walked back to my room.
Zekethelo:sorry for talking way too much but do you have a boyfriend?
Zekethelo:but you are such a pretty girl.
Me:thank you.


I just found out that I was Selena's roommate just today.She is a bit reserved and too quiet.When you ask her a question she answers in one word sentences.
She looks familiar and she is way too beautiful to be single.That was a blantant lie.I don't know where I have seen her but I have seen her somewhere.I'm 21 and I have a boyfriend obviously,I love him a lot.
He is an IT maget.He is so hot.We have been dating since I was 18 and well things have been going well.
I glanced at Selena and she was reading a book.
She is like in her own little world.
I smiled.I don't think I will have a problem with her at all.

I had finally arrived in Jo'burg.
Me:Mxo can I go check Thandaza at res?
Mxo:as long as you come back safe.
Me:I promise bro.
I hugged him.
I called Thandaza.
Selena:Lisakhanyo please.
I laughed.
Me:you hate that name.
Selena:its too long.
Me:whateves.I'm landing your res.
Selena:let me go wait for you by the front there.
Me:awesome.When is registration?
Me:mall tomorrow morning?I will be picking you up by 9?
Selena:I know you will still do it anyway.And no visiting clubs at night.
Me:but a few bottles of wine won't kill anyone if we buy them.
Selena:as long as I'm driving then yes.
We talked as my phone was connected to the car's sound system.
We have been friends since seventh grade and we have never looked back ever since.She is still the same and she has evolved to be a pretty human being.
She thinks love is overrated and she can't say the L word, never did.
I arrived and I saw her.She was wearing her skinny jeans and a her favourite black hoodie.
We hugged.
Selena:Lisa wa rasa.
It sounded so funny whenMs Squeaky voice and uptight said that.
Sel:I will get you one day.
She smiled and she took me to her dorm.

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