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Jordan just dropped me off at Res as he was on his way to work.
I looked at my wrists.I have to go back to my room and wear something that hides those bruises.
I half ran to my room and I just changed clothes.I wore a long sleeved poloneck and my high waist jeans.
I wore a short sleeved demin jacket on top and I tied my braids into a high bun.
I applied lipstick.Selena is still not back?maybe its a good thing.She would've noticed the bruising on my wrists and I know she wouldn't ask any questions but she might think otherwise.
I took the day's books and locked the room when I got out.
This is going to be one hell of a long week thats for sure.

It was finally Friday.I was going to Nomthandazo.We had a small gathering as women.Its culture so I have to be there plus I'm her closest friend.Scratch that her only friend.I'm practically family.
So tomorrow its the traditional wedding.Nomthandazo has been so humble throughout this whole ordeal.I hope she pulls through.

I'm nervous but I'm glad I'm at home now.Lisa is coming over and well its finally happeing.I will be someone's wife.
I sighed.The food was ready.All the females from my side were coming and we were going to talk and stuff like that.
I hate talking.
When Lisa walked in I just hugged her.
Lisa:I'm here babe.I'm here for you.
Me:thank you Lisakhanyo Buhlebendalo Molokwe.
Lisa:ooh!Name game now Nomthandazo Selena Dlamini now Duma?
I just laughed.
Me:how has school been?
Lisa:boring without you in campus.
Me:I knew it,I'm coming back on Monday okay?
Lisa:ok.Its weird.Let me go.Are you wearing your contacts?
Me:yes.Glasses are for emergencies only.
Lisa:but you look cute in them.
Me:I hate them.
Lisa:spoilt much.
Me:lets go to my room and get ready.
We just wore long maxi dresses and went downstairs.
Mom laughed.
Mom:Thandaza you do know your gogo is cool,she wouldn't mind a thing.
Me:mama you never know with these things.
Mom:Lisa glad you could make it.
Lisa:likewise mom,besides I wouldn't miss it for the world.
Mom:Girls lets head to the lounge.
We went there and most of my female cousins were present.
It was so nice.I didn't say much but things got really awkward when my mom and other females gave me presents.
I opened and it was lingerie.
Me:I can't take this.
I swear my cheeks turned red.
Gogo:nonsense child.Wear it only for your husband.
Me:ha.a gogo.
Mom chuckled.
Mom:baby don't be shy hle.
I just hid my face on her shoulder and everyone laughed.Ayi!

The night went well and by 10pm I was half asleep.
Tomorrow is yet another day that is going to be so tiring.

I was woken early in the mroning to go get ready.
I had a long bath and then my mother and ugogo came to help me.
I wore my yellow traditional dress.
I had a matching headscarf and beads.Thank goodness I have a pair of yellow chucktaylors.
Mom smiled as her eyes gleamed with unshed tears.
Mom:umuhle nkosazana.
I bowed my head.
Gogo:I'm proud.
I just hugged her.I like my family.
I still can't bring myself to say the L word.Its hard for it to roll off my tongue.

We were in my room as I was being told how to take care of my husband,feed his sexual appetite.Cook and do everything he asks of me.I agreed to everything and my mom was so proud.
Mom:lets go show them we have a beautiful bride.
They started ululating till we got outside and my family was there.The uncles,the works.
We drove to the Duma's.
When it was halfway to their home,we got out of the cars and started with our traditional songs.My head was bowed as I held a spear in my hand.
We reached to the meeting place and songs stopped from both sides.I started dancing and the ululating and the songs started.
My mom had told me that my husband was wearing an attire similar to mine.
I stabbed the spear near his feet and backed away with my head bowed down.

We were welcomed in the yard and I was led to the kitchen.
Ma:go serve your husband,he is wearing an outfit similar to yours.
Me:yes ma.
I took the food and when I got to where he was I bowed my head and kneeled down to serve him his food.
I stood up without making eye contact.Never look your husband in the eye.Rule 1.

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