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Well my brother in law wasn't that bad but I needed to go rest.Husband's orders.
Me:not bad.I'll see you a bit later.
I slowly walked upstairs to the bedroom and I got undercovers.
I couldn't sleep though.I got out and looked out the window.It was cloudy.Is this what they say its the perfect weather for cuddling on social media?Cause it looked chilly and windy.
I sighed.I just went back to bed.I can't sleep.I feel like I've slept enough and I want to cook or clean.Is his laundry clean?
I checked the bedside alarm.
I guess I can do it tomorrow.
I just took my phone and started reading my books.I just can't do nothing.
I was so engrossed with the book that I when I turned from the side I was reading on to another I saw Enzo.I didn't hear him walk in.
Enzo:Hey.What are you reading?
Me:a novel.
Enzo:its that interesting?
I nodded.
Enzo:ok.Did you eat?
Me:yes.Thank you though it was supposed to be the other way round.
Enzo:Nomthandaza you don't know how to rest do you?
I shook my head.
Enzo:it shows.
Well he sat next to me and I just placed my head on his lap.
He didn't say anything about it so I think its fine.I continued reading my book in that position until I kinda felt like I'm boring him.I'm reading and he's doing nothing.I turned my head and he was on his phone.
Me:I'm not boring you?
Enzo:at all.
I just continued to read my book then.The time was now six.
I got up.
Enzo:and where do you think you're going?
Me:I have to make dinner.
Enzo:You're fine now?
Me:yes sir.I've done enough resting to last me a lifetime.
Enzo:you're heading to the kitchen?
He wore his sandals and walked behind following me.
Sbu was nowhere to be seen.Probably in his room.
Me:and you didn't tell me you know how to cook.
Enzo:I know a lot of things.
I smiled.
Me:I see.So what do you want to have for dinner.
Enzo:Everything is fine.
I guess I'll have to make spaghetti bolognase.
He was there looking at me and not helping.
Anyway since I know my way around the kitchen is fine.

I could smell that something delicious is cooking up in the kitchen.So i decided to walk down the stairs and head to the kitchen.
I stopped in my tracks.Are we going to eat the food on time or my brother will already be full by then?
He had his wife whom I like on the kitchen counter.There were kissing or so it seems.His hands were under her jersey and she had her hands firmly placed on his back.
I walked back slowly.
I'll come thirty minutes later to check on the food,if it will be ready anyway.Its not my place to disturb.

What he was doing to me was mindblowing.I moaned in his mouth as his hand massaged my breasts under my jacket.
Something is burning.
Me:something is burning.
He let me go and helped me oget down from the kitchen counter as I checked the pots.My food was starting to burn.Thixo!
I felt him behind me and something a bit hard on my butt.
That must be...ooh!my cheeks started to get warm.I'd rather not say it.But I can't believe I let something that huge inside of me.
Enzo:are the pots fine MaDlamini?
He's never called me by my maiden name.And I kind of liked it.
Me:yes.Luckily I checked them on time.
Enzo:call me when the food is served.
He walked out of the kitchen.

I decided to go check on the food once more and I saw Enzo making his way upstairs.
And he passed by me.Well it shows that he's no longer angry at me.He calls me by my full name if he's angry at me which he's not.
I went to the kitchen and she was still busy with the pots.
I just can't erase the picture of her with my brother on the kitchen counter.And other wild pictures my mind makes up of her and my bro getting it on.
I think I should start seeing her as my sister in law than a crush or else I might die of a heart attack.Yeah as a sister in law it will be normal for her and my brother to do what couples do.As a crush,its a different story.I think I should stop seeing her as a crush.My parents chose her Enzo and not me so...
Me:hello.And whats cooking?
Noma:you'll see.I'm almost done.Pity your brother left when I was almost done.
She was smiling when she was saying my brother.My mind can't process this.My brother in love?That day I would take his car for a spin I swear.
Noma:can you go call him?tell him dinner is ready.
I went upstairs and knocked on his door.
Enzo:Sbu ufunani?
Me:sister said I should call you down for dinner.
I walked back to the kitchen and she was setting the table.
Me:He's coming.
He did come and like when she is in the room he forgets I exist.
He just held her waist and they started talking.Just them two by the table there.
He was smiling?God is showing me things in this house.
I cleared my throat and thats when they realised I was still in the room.
Noma:sit down and I'll serve you guys the food.....

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