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Well I said goodbye and I doubt he was paying attention.I grabbed an apple and he called my name as I was about to walk out of the door.
His voice is deep.It startles me at times but I will get used to it right?
Enzo:be home before 6.Its not a request by the way.
Me:of course.
And I walked out.As long as we are civil and I obey my husband as I have been advised everything will turn out good.
I called Lisa.
Lisa:morning,look Selena we'll talk.I have class in a minute and I'm already running late.I love you.
Me:I like you too.
She chuckled before she hung up.
I navigated my way through the Jo'burg traffic and I arrived at campus after 30 minutes.On Friday we are going to sign the necessary documents and we will be legally husband and wife.I sighed.
Plus the parents are coming tomorrow.Which means more work for Mrs Duma back home,meaning me.My life.
I walked to class and the lecture had not yet arrived.
Kim and her annoying squad stood in front of me.
Kim:Selena and she decided to show up.
Me:morning to you too.
My voice is tiny and I can't help but wish I had a deeper voice but it is what it is.
She imitated my voice.She is becoming rather annoying.I just pretended she was not there and she eventually left.I mean people doesn't she have anything better to do?
If I was a spoilt princess I would have reported her and she would have been begging for my forgiveness but thats not me so I'll let it slide.

School was school and the lecturers were impressed when I submitted my assignments even though I was absent.I want to be a psychiatrist.Dr Duma.Sounds about right.
I met up with Lisa and as always she was loud.
Lisa:that car of yours,can I take it for a spin?
Me:uyarasa Lisakhanyo.
Lisa:whatever.So how is marriage?
Me:its good.Can't complain.
Lisa:so have you done the..you know.
Me:i don't know.
Lisa:has he banged you yet?
I said gasping.
Lisa:By your reaction I can see that you are still a virgin.
I rolled my eyes.
Lisa:she is rolling her marble eyes at me.You definitely need dick.
Me:Lisa please behave.
Lisa:I wonder who they are going to marry me to.
Me:I'm still going to be your maid of honour right?
Lisa:of course.You are like the only friend I have.
Me:I know.I like you.
Lisa:if thats how you sleep at night thinking you told someone that you love them then I give up.
She raised her hands in total surrender.
Me:meet me halfway.I'm trying.
Lisa:I do hope you fall in love with your husband.He is hot.
Me:Lisakhanyo.Behave tuu.
Lisa:wifey already getting defensive?show them girls that he's yours.
After she said that we laughed.Lisa though.
We talked and no,I didn't tell her that Enzo has a girlfriend who happens to be my former roommate and who I think hates me at the moment.
I know that a married woman is not supposed to spread her personal matters with her husband to other people.There is no need to hang our dirty laundry really.
I checked my watch.It was 12 o'clock.I had to attend my last lecture in a few minutes.Come to think of it I haven't seen Zekethelo around campus today.Or maybe she is avoiding me who knows.
I need to do my hair today.Combing it everyday is a hassle.What we women go through for our afros though.
My lecture took at least an hour and around two I was at the salon.First I washed my hair before I asked them to do box braids.
The hairstylist was nice and my voice fascinated her.Her words not mine.
She was done.I checked the time.God no!the time is past six.But I was doing my hair though.
I paid her and saved her number.I think she will be my hairdresser starting today.
I left and I drove home.His car was parked.Who am I kidding?I don't know which car he used today.
But I opened the doo which means he was home.I couldn't obey just one order from my husband.Way to go Noma.
His voice honestly scares the hell out of me.
I just turned to face him and I bowed.Don't look him straight in the eye Noma.
Me:I was doing my hair.I apologise for my disobedience.

As much as I wanted to say something I just couldn't.She was submissive.Everything a man could ask for.She wasn't questioning my authority or anything.She just apologised.And I could see that she had actually done her hair.
Me:you can lift your head now.
Why was my voice going soft?
She looked at me with those eyes of hers and her lips were tightly bitten down.
She was beautiful and natural.Breathtaking.
I smiled. First time being with a woman and not actually fucking the living daylights out of her.
And to think that I haven't even tasted those lips.
I need to focus.
Me:you can go start on dinner or whatever you see fine.
Selena:thank you.
She walked upstairs with her bags and all.
She came down a few minutes later in a long maxi dress with a slit on the other side.
She headed directly to the kitchen and she started doing whatever she was doing.
My phone rang and I looked at the caller ID.

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