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He just held me in his arms and it was nice.Enzo never does this.
Me:I do have school.Are you not going to work?
Enzo:No,not today.Want me to drop you off?
I nodded.
He helped me up and I ran upstairs to get my books and stuff.
I found him waiting for me.He was in shorts and a tee.He still looks good in whatever he wears.
Me:I'm ready.
We headed to his car and we were silent the whole way.I think I need to wrap my mind around this.I'm strange but he's stranger.I think I should also tread carefully around him.
He placed a chaste kiss on my lips and promised to pick me up after school.I nodded.
I got out of the car and walked to my first class.
The day went by swiftly and I hadn't even heard a thing.Honestly my mind was not on school.I think we should talk again.
I sat by the chairs and I was lost in thought.It took a while to notice that someone was in front of me.
Zek:Aaah!the precious princess.
Me:Hi,Zekethelo.How have you been?
I was so not in the mood for her and she better not try to annoy me.
Zek:I'm great.Awesome.Very soon you'll be over and done with.
Me:Can you please leave me alone with my thoughts?I'm honestly not in the mood for you,I have better things to be worried about.
Zek:Oh like how your marriage is going to collapse?he did tell you right?
What in the world is she talking about?
She gasped.
Zek:He didn't tell you did he?you poor thing!
And she left.All she did was agitate me and my mood worsened.I just wanna go home.
I waited for about 30 minutes before my husband showed up.
I dragged my feet to the car and got inside.
Today he was also being extremely nice which was also weird.God I want to sleep.
Enzo:you look horrible.
Me:I know.I want to get home and everyone is getting on my nerves.
Me:that pest uthi Zekethelo was going on and on about you didn't tell me.

In all honesty my wife looked beat.
Sel:Is there anything you wanna tell me Enzo?
She asked in a sweet voice.And I should tell her that Zekethelo claims she's pregnant?I don't think she'll take it well.
Me:nothing love.
Sel:I know.She was lying to get my attention.
She said as she drifted off to sleep.Zekethelo doesn't know she's digging her own grave by pissing Nomthandazo off.This woman does not need me to fight her battles.
When we got home I carried her to bed and changed her clothes.She was going to be uncomfortable sleeping in jeans.
She was beautiful.And I grazed my lips on her mark as she shuddered.All mine.
I let her sleep as I walked to the study and called Zekethelo.
Me:what the hell did you say to my wife?
There was silence.
Zek:The truth.I'm carrying your heir Jordan and honestly you should be paying damages and lobola for me.I'm carrying your firstborn.So I honestly do not care if it breaks your little sweet wife.She should deal with it.Should I break the news to her or will you?If you don't,the next time I meet her I will tell her and I wonder how she will react.
Me:You don't know what you're dealing with child.You honestly don't know.Stay away from my wife or you'll regret it.
Zek:I'm the one carrying the heir not her.
Enzo:if you're telling the truth and trust me with that annoying attitude of yours you won't be carrying the heir for much long.That I assure you.
There was silence again.
Zek:whats that supposed to mean?
Me:exactly that.You've been warned and goodbye.I'll call you for further information regarding this issue.
I hung up and continued with work.Tomorrow I need to head back to the office and it will be business as usual.

I woke up feeling refreshed and in a better mood.I was so much better than earlier today.I was in Enzo's shirt.It was sweet of him.I smiled to myself.But I better nto disrespect him,he hates the disrespect and this morning's behaviour,regardless of whether I was angry or not was uncalled for.
I was raised better than that.
I headed to his study to look for him and I found him.
Me:uhm,I came to apologise.
He cocked an eyebrow and motioned me to come to him.
He placed me on his lap.
Me:This morning,it was uncalled for.I disrespected you and I wasn't supposed to do that.
He just looked at me without saying a word.
Me:I think I'm ready for my punishment.
He was startled for a bit before he regained his composure as he smiled at me.
Enzo:And look at you being submissive.
He moved his lips to my neck and I moved it a bit to give him access.
Enzo:do you know how much of a turn on you're being right now?
He nipped at the skin of my neck and it sent tingles all over my body.
He whispered on my lips.
Enzo:as tempting as it is to give you your punishment right now,you're tired.Are you sure you're fine?
I nodded.
His hand just cupped my cheeks.
Enzo:you don't look fine?do you need food or anything?
Me:I don't have much of an appetite today.
Enzo:did you eat something?
I thought about it and I didn't.
Me:No,not that I can remember.
Enzo:You need to eat.
Me:I'm fine dammit.
I snapped at him and realized my mistake.
Me:I apologise.So sorry.
He clenched his jaw and my heart rate skyrocketed.Oh God!
Me:I'm sorry.I don't know what got over me.
Enzo:Nomthandazo go get some rest.
I jumped off his lap and ran out of the study and headed straight to the bedroom.I should not disobey orders.
I got undercovers and I yawned.I thought I was no longer tired.I closed my eyes and slept.

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