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Riley woke in bed alone. She frowned when she heard the kettle.

Making her way through to the kitchen, she saw Simon there with Max. She frowned. "Can you not give it a rest? It's 7am," she said.

Simon laughed. "Babe. The interviews are soon. So I need to be prepared. Max here is helping me," he told her.

Riley nodded. "And where is Aimee? I know you haven't left her in bed alone."

Max smirked. "Actually, Aimee is at McDonalds. She figured you'd want some food," he said.

"She knows me too well."

Riley looked up as Aimee walked in. She smiled. "Look who finally made it. Your man has been here since when?"

Max looked at his watch. "5am. We've got a lot to go over for this meeting. And I think we've almost got everything," he said.

Aimee scoffed. "Well guess what. I'm not putting out for you tonight."

Riley and Aimee went into work with each other. They left their men to it. Riley sighed. "I literally haven't spent much time with Simon. It's like he doesn't want to know. This whole interview is driving a wedge between us."

Aimee smiled slightly. "Max and I don't even talk. Not unless he wants sex. It's just not happening. I don't want him near me to be honest."

Riley nodded and sighed. "Just leave it for now babes. It's not worth getting upset about," she told her.

Simon walked into the classroom. He smiled at Riley. "Hey. You okay?"

Riley just nodded. "5am. You've been doing this bloody meeting since 5am?! Simon it's a joke. It really is."

Simon sighed. "I'm doing this for us Riles. So we can make a life for us. When we have a family, our baby will be proud of us."

Riley shook her head. "I just hate how this has come between us."

"It won't be for much longer. The interview is next week. And then after that, I'm all yours," he told her.

Riley made herself a coffee. She sighed as Aimee walked in. "Woah. What happened?"

"Max and I broke up. He told me I was being insensitive. And we broke up."

"Babes. I'm so sorry."

Aimee shrugged. "I'm not bothered. Do you wanna go out tonight? Hit the town and get pissed?"

Riley nodded. "Okay. We'll go out. But you can't get too intoxicated."


Riley stood in the bedroom with Simon. He looked at her. "Be careful tonight. Okay? Don't get too drunk and don't flirt with anyone."

Riley rolled her eyes. "Why would I want to? I have you. Because you're all I want."

"Good. I love you."

"I love you too."


Simon was sitting in the flat alone. He knew he was missing Riley. The door knocked and Max walked in. He had a bottle of brandy with him. "Heres to the single life. And I intend to enjoy it."

Simon rolled his eyes but took a glass of brandy. Max sighed. "I dumped her. She was dragging me down too much. And I didn't want that anymore," he said.

Simon smiled slightly. He looked at Max. "You love her still."


Riley was sitting in the club. She couldn't help but feel like her and Simon were about to have their relationship tested in the worst way possible.

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