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Riley sighed to herself as she drove up to the school. Riley sighed to herself as she ran her hands through her hair. It was her first day at Waterloo road school. Riley was starting as a dance teacher along with her long term boyfriend Simon lowsley. Riley and Simon had grown up together and they had been together since they were kids.

They were on and off for a few years as he went off to university but they always managed to find their way back to each other. Riley was worried, she was worried over her and Simon working together as she didn't know what it would mean for their relationship and for them and she only hoped that they could somehow make it work as she knew that it scared her. The thought of loosing him scared her.

Riley sighed as she ran her hands through her hair and sighed as she stood up and walked into the school, she walked into the staffroom and smiled as she saw Simon, he looked to her and smiled

"do you want a coffee?" He asked as Riley smiled

"yeah, you know how I like it" Riley said as Simon walked over to the kitchen area as Riley followed him

Simon looked to her and sighed "I have been thinking and don't freak out" Simon said as Riley looked to him and frowned "I don't like the sound of that, don't give me a reason to freak out and I won't" Riley said

"it's just over keeping is professional and not bringing our relationship into this, you know I love you and you know that you mean everything to me but I'm the deputy and I don't want the staff to give you a hard time and think that you got this job because of me" he said as he handed her the coffee as their fingers brushed against each other's.

Riley looked to Simon and smiled "and how do you think that's going to work out when my mum works here and knows about it, about us" Riley said as Simon sighed

"I'll talk to her, just as long as we act professionally no one will realise that we are a couple. That we are together" Simon said as Riley nodded

"fine but only for now, I am not hiding my relationship that I'm not ashamed off forever, unless you ashamed of me?" Riley asked as Simon looked to her and smiled

"of course I'm not, you mean everything to me and I am proud of us. It's just for now" Simon said as Riley nodded as she took a sip of her coffee

Riley walked into the staffroom and smiled as she saw Nikki and sat down next to her and smiled. Nikki looked to Riley and sighed

"so I spoke to Simon, he wants me to act like I don't know him or that you and him aren't a couple are you sure that it's a good idea?" Nikki asked her daughter as Riley sighed

"I know how it seems that he is ashamed of me but mum, I know him and I know why he is doing it and it is for me. He wants to help my career and tis only temporarily please. For me" Riley said as Nikki looked to her and smiled

"if it's what you want, besides it might be years later but I still think he is an egotistical jerk" Nikki said as Riley looked to her and chuckled as she took a sip of her coffee.

Riley knew that Nikki had never been a big fan of Simon but she did support Riley's relationship with him as she saw just how much her daughter was in love with Simon.

Riley looked as Simon walked in with Christine. They made eye contact across the room as Riley looked to him and smiled realising how much harder it would be to act professional when she knew what they had together

Riley smiled as she stood in her flat as Simon walked in. He walked over to her and smiled "so how was your first day?" He asked as she looked to him and smiled

"oh it was good, although there's this deputy head can't keep his eyes off of me" Riley teased as Simon looked to her and smiled as he pulled her close and kissed her

"well I guess I will have to keep a close eye on you" he said as he leant in and kissed her. Riley smirked into the kiss as it got more passionate as he pulled her close.

He picked her up so that her legs were wrapped around her waist causing her to moan as he lead her the bedroom. He dropped her onto the bed and smirked as they stripped off.

He got between her legs and pulled her close as he pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her causing her to moan as she dug her nails into his back and pulled him close hoping that they could still make their relationship work now they were working together at Waterloo road

Everything to me *Waterloo road*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat