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Riley woke in bed and sighed. Simon was putting his tie on. She looked to him. "Where are you going?" She asked as she sat up.

Simon smiled. "I've got a management meeting with Max. I'll see you at the school," he told her as he walked out the bedroom.

Riley sighed as she grabbed her phone and text Aimee. She knew that things with her and Simon were getting worse and she didn't know how much more she could take. Especially when it was all getting too much.

Riley made her way downstairs. She saw a note from Simon;

'I love you babe. Don't forget that'

Riley smiled and sighed. She knew that she had to somehow make it work with Simon.

Riley went into work. She smiled as Aimee walked towards her. She saw how annoyed she looked. "What's happened?" Riley asked.

"My mother turned up. And trust me... it's as bad as it sounds. She drives me mad. And says she's staying here till I've had the baby. So I'm going to give birth and then admit myself. I cannot cope with her," Aimee said as she looked to her.

Riley smiled. "I'm sure your mum is lovely. I want to meet her."

"Babes you can have her. She drives me insane," Aimee told her.

"It will be fine. You drama Queen."

"How's it going with Simon?" Aimee asked as she looked to her best friend.

Riley sighed. "It's... weird? I mean we're getting on well. And he's so caring. But I just don't think we're how we used to be. And it's hard. Because I miss him."

Aimee nodded. "Maybe do something to get your man back? Make him forget this stupid job and then seduce him into being Luscious Lowsley as I've had pupils calling him," she said.

Riley walked into Simon's classroom. He was sitting there with a smile on his face. "Hey. What's up?" She asked as she looked to him.

Simon smiled. "I'm officially the assistant head now. The LEA confirmed it. I've got the pay rise too. So now we can look for a house," he told her.

Riley looked to him. "What does it mean for us? Like our time together?"

"It's the same as always babe. I may have to come in earlier. Or leave later. But I promise that nothing is going to change with us," Simon said.

Riley nodded and sighed. She couldn't help but feel that everything was about to change. She just didn't know if she could handle it.

Riley sat in the staffroom. Aimee smiled. "Hey. I haven't seen your mum around. Where is she?" She asked.

"She's fine to visit Eve. Something about wanting to build a relationship with her," Riley told her as she smiled.

Riley knew that Nikki had another daughter from a previous relationship. But she felt like her mum was trying to keep eve away from her.

Aimee sat with her. "Max had me in the office. Wants me to take maternity leave as soon as. I personally don't think he wants me around," she told her.

Riley sighed. She shook her head. "He's a jerk."

Riley knew that everything that was about to change at Waterloo Road. But she had no idea that the changes were about to come between her and Simon.

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