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Riley and Simon had been nonstop arguing and it was driving her mad. They were always bickering over the school and silly little things.

Riley woke that morning and saw Simon wasn't in bed. She rolled her eyes and made her way downstairs. Simon was sitting on the sofa. She looked at him. "What's going on with us? We're not getting on at all. And it's not right."

Simon looked to her. "I don't know. We used to be so good together. And everything that's happened has changed us. I don't like it either. I want us to get on," he told her.

"Me too."

Simon took her hand and smiled. "We're going to be okay. How about we go out this weekend? Me and you. And no one interrupting us?" He said.

"Yeah. Sounds good," Riley said as she kissed him.

Simon deepened the kiss. Riley straddled him. She looked to him. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The two of them arrived at work. Simon kissed her and walked off. Riley walked over to Aimee. "How is it going?" She asked.

Aimee sighed. "I met with Max last night. To talk about the baby. And he said he wants to have it. But he doesn't want me. That's fine. But he isn't taking my baby."

Riley took her hand. "You're keeping it?"

"Yeah. I want to keep it. It's a part of me. And I'm not going to let Max ruin it," Aimee said as she took a sip of her hot chocolate.

Riley grinned. "I'll be there for you. I promise."

"Thanks. I appreciate it. And I appreciate you," she said.

Riley held her close and smiled. "I'm going to be an auntie. I can't wait!" She told her.

Riley smiled as her mum walked into the staffroom. She looked at her. "How's it going? Haven't seen you much."

Nikki nodded and smiled. "It's going good. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm good. I just have to make this day go as quickly as possible. I'm tired. Really really tired," Riley said.

Nikki groaned. "I don't need to know about you having sex all night."

"I wasn't having sex mother. I just couldn't sleep at all. I kept tossing and turning," Riley told her.

Nikki smiled. "Have a lavender bath and get some sleep. It's all you can do," she told her.

"Yeah I guess."

Riley walked into Simon's classroom. He was sitting there with a smile on his face. "Hey. I've been thinking, why don't we go down Wales this weekend? See my mum and dad?" He asked.

Riley nodded and smiled. "Sounds good. We could make a good weekend of it? Turn off our phones and pretend no one exists."

"Sounds like a plan. I'll bring the wine. If you bring you the sexy," Simon said as he kissed her.

Riley walked out to the car. She smiled as she saw Aimee by her car. She walked over to her. "Hey. How has your day been?" She asked as she looked at her.

Aimee shrugged. "Can't complain. Max has been doing my head in."

"Well. Ignore him. Listen, Simon and I are going away. He wants to take me to Wales. I want to make it work with us. But I just don't know," Riley said.

Aimee smiled. "It will be okay. You've got this. Okay?"


But with Riley having doubts about her relationship, could everything work out between her and Simon? Or was it going to come crashing down around them?

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