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Riley woke in bed alone. Simon was downstairs planning for the final stage of the interview. Riley knew how badly Simon wanted it.

She walked downstairs. She saw Simon sitting on the sofa. He was surrounded by paperwork. Riley smiled. "How's it going babe?" She asked.

"It would be better if I could get this done," he snapped. He sighed. "Sorry babe. I just need to make sure this is perfect."

Riley nodded. "I know. I understand. I'll be glad when it's over and I get my boyfriend back. I miss you."

Simon smiled. "It's all for our future babe. Me, you and any possible babies we have," he told her as he kissed her.

"I know."

Simon knew he had been neglecting Riley since he had been working for the interviews. But he wanted to make sure he had a good chance.

Simon took Riley into work. She smiled and looked at him. "Good luck. You're going to do awesome," she told him.

"Thanks babe. I love you."

"Love you too."

The two of them kissed again. Riley walked off. She saw Aimee and smiled. "Hey you. You've been off for a week. You okay?"

Aimee nodded. "Yeah. I took some time off. To get over Max dumping me like I'm nothing. That and I think I may have had alcohol poisoning," she said.

Riley smiled slightly. "Well I missed you. You sure you're okay?"

"Yes. I'm good. I'm all good. I'm over Max Tyler and his crap. I'm here to change a child's life," Aimee said.

"Good for you girl. These interviews are finally over today. I get my boyfriend back at last," Riley told her.

Aimee laughed. "Good luck with that. If he gets the job, he will be more busier than usual," she told her.

Riley sat in the staffroom. She looked up as Max walked in. "I see your best friend is back. Make sure she's not drunk," Max said.

"Get a grip Max. You broke Aimee. And you know it. You're a bully. And you know it," she told him.

Max rolled his eyes. "Relationships break. She needs to deal with that," he said as he walked out.

Simon was sitting in his classroom. Riley walked in. "I thought we could have good luck sex? That is unless you're too busy for me."

Simon smirked. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. He lifted her up onto the desk. Their lips met in a heated and passionate kiss.

Simon pulled down the thong she had on. She unfastened his belt. Simon pushed into her. Riley moaned out loud. He started moving in and out of her at a pace they both wanted.

Within moments, they had both climaxed. Simon pulled put and smirked. "Amazing babe."

"I know. I aim to please," Riley said as she walked off.

Riley smiled as she stood outside with Aimee. Aimee sighed. "It's wrong of me to say I miss Max isn't it?" She asked.

"Not at all. You were together and in love. So obviously you're bound to miss him," Riley told her.

Aimee nodded as Simon walked over to them. Max behind. Riley looked at him. "Well?"

"I got the job."

Riley smiled and nodded. She kissed him. But she had no idea that the relationship was about to come crashing down.

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