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A/n; Aimee Wilde and any children she has belongs to _X_Sammii_X_


Riley sighed as she walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. She looked to see Simon as he lay in bed scrolling through his phone. She looked to him and rolled her eyes

"what are you doing?" She asked "looking at the advertisement for the heads job" he said as he didn't look up at his phone and sighed

"Simon, I'm standing here in a towel and you haven't even looked up from that phone" she said as he looked up at her and smirked. He placed his phone down as he got out of the bed and crawled over to her and smirked

"I do like the towel, although I like you without it" he said as he pulled the towel off of her and pulled her naked body on top of him and smirked as he leant in and kissed him.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and smirked into the kiss as it got more passionate as he rolled over so that he was on top of her. He ran his hands up her thighs causing her to moan as they made out passionately

Simon stripped out of the boxers that he was wearing as he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her.

Riley moaned in pleasure as she dug her nails into his back as she felt herself get close as she started to reach her high

Riley got to work and walked into the staffroom and smirked as she saw Simon as he stood across the room. She stood making a coffee as Aimee walked in and walked over to her

"can I ask you something?" Aimee asked as Riley handed her a cup of coffee

"if you must" Riley said

"as your best friend. Why are you acting like your boyfriend is no one, no sorry since your boyfriend since you were fifteen is no one, that he is just the deputy head. I can see how you are looking at each other and you and I know it is only going to be so long before the truth comes out. You and Simon can't keep anything to yourself, your not that good at hiding things when it comes to you and Simon" Aimee said as Riley looked to her and frowned

"are you saying I am a bad liar" Riley asked as Aimee rolled her eyes

"well yeah but that is not what I, saying, I'm saying that you and Simon have sexual tension and you can't hide your relationship with him forever even if you try to" Aimee said as Riley looked to her best friend and sighed.

She knew Aimee was right and she didn't know how to act as if Simon was just another colleague to her

Riley smiled as she walked into simons office and smiled as she saw him filling out the paperwork for head. She knew it was what he wanted and she knew that she was trying her best to support him. Riley walked over to where he was and smiled as she sat on the side of the desk

"so you are really doing this?" She asked as he looked to her and smiled

"yes and I am going to get the job and I get to show you off as my girl if we can keep our hands off of each other" she said as she leant in and kissed him. He looked to her and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek

"we have a plan, the job, an engagement and a wedding and then the baby" he said as she smirked

"plans don't always happens Simon but no matter what I'm here" she said as he pulled her closer and kissed her

"I'm going no where riles, you mean everything to me" he said as Riley smiled but could they make it work?

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