All Smiles & New Findings

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They say forgiveness is letting go of all negative emotions and memories, it is moving on with whatever positives remain. If nothing remains, then the relationship was all negative. And if your guilt tears at your heart, rips at your insides, you are already forgiven. 

It's a damn good saying that might just apply to two estrange teens that were once forced to share a roof together but turned out to share more than just that. They came to love one another and even more so depend on each other.

They've always had each other's backs, no matter what.  Even when at odds, they'd show when the other needed them. So when Kara had shown up at the DEO with Lena by her side and asked Alex for help, the older sister had just pointed them towards the test room.

"Kara, can I talk to you?" Alex asked as she held Kara's hand

Before Kara answered, "sure", she motioned for Lena to wait in the room, then closed the door behind her and walked towards Alex on the other of the door. 

"What's up?" she asked not looking at Alex in the eyes

"Why didn't you tell me Lena is pregnant?" the other Danvers asked fidgeting with her fingers

"hm! I wonder why? is it because you lied to me? kept things from me? I don't know Alex. why do you think I didn't tell you?"

"Okay, I get it" Alex only said with a sad tone, "I screwed up Kara but, will you please let me apologise? I know I messed up by not telling what was going on and by involving Lena. I am sorry Kara, I truly I'm" 

"I believe you," the Kryptonian said, "why didn't you?" she asked

"Why didn't I what?" Alex asked back, needing confirmation on what exactly she was supposed to answer

"Why didn't you tell me what was going on? why did you keep it from me?" Kara clarified herself

Alex did not answer immediately, she seemed to be looking for the right words to answer Kara's question

"Because of Lena," she said, and when she saw Kara's face that clearly painted, I have no idea what you mean by that, please elaborate

So she went on, "you were so happy with her. After everything that had happened to you two, you had finally reached a place where you were happy. She did that, she made you happy. I felt like telling you that Lex was back again, would have just slapped you right back where you started and then Lena found out what was going on because Lex reached out to her and she insisted on helping and you know Lena, she never takes a 'no', she always gets what she wants. So I didn't say anything, I thought we'd catch him and nothing would go horribly wrong. Then after we'd caught him, I'd tell you. But everything didn't go exactly as planned and I'm really sorry Kara, I'm sorry we all kept it from you. I miss my sister, I miss you Kara and I've been giving you space but I don't want to do that anymore. can we please put this behind us? please"

"I miss my sister too," Kara said all smiles

Before they knew it, they were hugging and was something so warm, something that felt right, smelt right. Kara let her body sag, her muscles become loose. Alex gave her the respect of an equal but cradled her like a cherished child. In that embrace, she felt her worries lose their keen sting and her optimism raise its head from the dirt. Perhaps the hope had been there all along, but without some push, it was trapped, like crystals in a stone. 

They were at peace, in an embrace full of pure, unselfish, undemanding and free love. 

It was time to move past it. It was time. 

"C'mon, let's get started on the test" Alex pulled out first

"Okay," Kara said as she followed behind, you could feel her tension from her words though, it was like she wasn't sure what to expect

After Alex had taken Lena's blood and everything she needed for the test procedure, she had asked Lena if she also wanted to do an ultrasound as they waited for the results. She had said, "yes, why not?"

When she was ready and on the bed,  "this is going to be cold" Alex warned as she put the lubricating jelly on Lena's abdomen. 

After a few minutes of sliding the ultrasound transducer from side to side, trying to find the heartbeat, Alex finally found. It was evident from the looks of all their faces. 

Their eyes shone with light, and their smiles reached their eyes. It was a steady heartbeat, that screamed, 'i am alive'

The tiny tympanic heartbeat from the ultrasound wand was the only outward sign that a new life had begun within the Luthor. 

Lena held onto Kara's hand, squeezing it hard, begging her to hold onto her and not let go. Kara seemed to be doing the same, but with average strength.

There was something so familiar about the heartbeat to Lena, but she couldn't dwell on it at the moment. She was too overjoyed. 

"I'll print the photo," Alex said as she wiped the gel off of Lena's abdomen

Neither Lena nor Kara said anything, they just smiled at each other

After giving them the photo and asking Kara and Lena to wait outside as she checked on the results of the DNA test she had taken before the ultrasound test. Alex went back to her lab and sure enough, the test was complete

When she clicked enter, the largest monitor flickered to life with a series of graphs, notes and a rotating DNA helix. 

Alex's eyes flickered from the first graph to the last one, taking her time studying the results she was seeing, she studied every bit of it, but something seemed off to the Danvers, noting everything down, Alex finally found the variable that was not meant to be there, she found x

"No, but that's ... impossible," Alex murmured, brow crumpling into a frown as she peered at the screen with a dubious expression on her face. "It's got ..."

She sharply turned to face Lena and Kara as they seemed to be in deep conversation of some sort, a mystified look in her eyes. "How?" she asked herself as she continued to look at Kara and Lena as they stood outside the test room.

A/N: sorry I haven't updated in a while.

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