Pent-up Feelings

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(Y/N)- First Name
(E/C)- Eye Color
(H/C)- Hair Color
(F/C)- Favorite Color
(H/L)- Hair Length
(S/C)- Skin Color

Third Person P.O.V...

"Give us one hell of a fight you two!" (y/n) cheered, watching meliodas and ban stretching. "Baaaan! If you lose in disgrace, I'll rat you out to elaine!" king threatened. "Oh, right!" diane said, causing the other two sins to look at her curious. Only to see the brunette lift up the blue ribbon slightly, the nude elizabeth able to watch the fight from diane's cleavage. "Cheer them on, elizabeth! It'll be okay, no one will spot you!" "Uh, okay..." elizabeth sweatdropped. "Hey horny fairy, calm yourself." (y/n) warned, lightly karate chopping the blushing king on top of his head.

"Without further ado, let the fight begin!" love helm exclaimed.

"I'd prefer to have more room to move around in." ban snorted, rotating his arm. Meliodas chuckled, ban looking at him confused. "What's with the laughing?" ban asked. "You looking forward to fighting me that much?" Ban started popping his knuckles. "I just remember the old days. We had about this much space then, too." meliodas reminisced. "The old day? Refresh my memory." ban said, trying to rack through his brain. "Oh, you'll remember soon enough!" meliodas grinned, throwing his hands to the side as in surrender motion. Meliodas soon disappeared from sight, ban's eyes widening in surprise before receiving a powerful punch to the cheek, forcefully turning his head to the side with blood coming from his lips. The crowd gawked in surprise while ban chuckled as the memory of meeting the blonde for the first time played in his head, the fight having ended with meliodas sending him flying through the back of his cell with the same powerful punch.

"I remember now!" ban said, flying through the air on the way off stage. "The fight's been decided with one blow!" love helm exclaimed. "It better not be!" (y/n) whined. Ban's feet hit the edge of the stage, ban being able to stop himself from falling off. Not wasting any time, ban stood up and grabbed the blonde that was still in the air and went to slam him into the ground. Acting quickly, meliodas slammed his palms into the ground when close enough before wrapping his legs around ban's neck and flipping him over himself and slam him into the ground. Meliodas eyes widened slightly in surprise when ban grabbed the blonde's ankles and punt meliodas away after performing a kick up. Ban quickly launched after the blonde in the air. "Let's do this!" ban said before unleashing a barrage of punches, meliodas blocking them with him arms crossing over each other in front of his face in a x formation. Noticing a opening, meliodas cocked back one of his arms before punching ban back down to the stage, the impact of ban hitting the stage caused a crack in the rocky platform. (Y/n)'s eyes were shining in awe as he watched meliodas land back on the stage.

"That baaaan guy has to be dead, right?" someone from the audience inquired as the smoke started to clear. "Does this even qualify as a fight?" Much to all that was watching (minus the sins), ban slowly sat back up completely healed. "He's perfectly fine!" someone from the audience exclaimed in shock. Both ban and meliodas disappeared from sight before reappearing, trading blow for blow. 'These are the Sins... Both of them are flat-out monsters!' howzer noted, sweating a little.

Meliodas threw a punch and connected with ban's stomach, causing him to spit out blood. Not giving ban any time to recover, meliodas send ban flying through the air with an uppercut. (Y/n) noticed that ban had a arm outstretched to the blonde, meliodas falling to his knees. "Oh, no! Both fighters are down!" love helm noted. Ban sat up, hand still outstretched to meliodas. "Okay, now you've done it..." meliodas said cheerfully, ban laughing in response. "Up we go!" ban said, standing back with his back popping. "Wh-What's going on?!" love helm inquired confused. "Baaaan's injuries have vanished completely!" Ban rushed at the blonde. Hearing the sound of running footsteps close, meliodas looked up, throwing a surprise punch. Only for ban to be behind him actually, popping his wrist before punching the blonde in the back of the head. Meliodas going to the other side, dust kicking up behind him.

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