Chapter Seven: A Chance Encounter

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The extremely harsh afternoon sun bares down relentlessly, as Leone leads Tatsumi through one of the poorer districts of the Capital, her hand placed confidently on her swaying hips and her mouth turned up in a jovial smile.

The local market is a buzz with chatter, and Tatsumi takes special notice of just how many foreigners, or at least mixed blooded people, there are in this part of the city.

Young Woman: "Hello, Leone," a blonde woman calls out. She wears a black, eastern style dress, paired with a hood and a smile.

Old Man: "I could use another shoulder massage the next time you stop by," an older gentleman in a turban follows, patting himself on the base of his neck. Maybe the girls father?

Boisterous Man: "Lookin' hot today, Leone! Come drinkin' with us tonight!" A young man chirps from the other side of the street, his muscular arm thrust out into a confident thumbs up.

Tomboy-ish Girl: "Yeah! Come hang out with us, Leone!" A young, teenage girl adds, waving her arm through the air to try and draw Leone's attention. Leone waves back, her smile growing.

Tatsumi: "It's a lot livelier than the average slum, huh?"

Leone: "Souls as stubborn as weeds. It's what happens when you struggle to survive all your life." Another group starts waving and smiling, Leone returns the gesture a second later.

Tatsumi: "You seem awfully popular around here."

Leone: "It's my home, after all. I was born and raised here. I made a name for myself working at a local massage parlour..."

???: "THERE SHE IS!!! IT'S LEONE!!!" Before Leone can continue, her explanation is cut short by the interruption of a booming voice and multiple sets of frantic footsteps.

Tatsumi turns and sees three large men running towards them, their jaws and fists clenched so tight the veins in their heads are throbbing.

Furious Bartender: "I'LL HAVE YOU PAY YOUR BILL!!!"


Livid Blacksmith: "I WANT THE MONEY YOU SCAMMED OFF MY BROTHER!!!" Tatsumi suddenly feels something pull him by the collar of his jacket. And before he knows it, him and Leone are both running for their lives. But the cheerful smile hasn't left Leone's face. In fact, it appears to have grown into a full blown smirk.

Leone: "So...What ya' think? It's a pretty interesting place, huh?"

The Imperial Palace:
A guard bows low upon entering the throne room, resting one arm over his knee and pressing the other to the floor.

In a circle around the room stand the Emperor's Councillors. And at the far end, Emperor Makoto himself sits. With the Prime Minister stood beside him, chewing on a hunk of meat.

Guard: "I bring dire news, Your Majesty...It's about generals Nakakakido and Hemi. They are gone. They have joined the Rebel Army." The atmosphere falls heavy across the room, as the Councillors begin their deliberations.

Inquisitive Councillor: "The military genius Nakakakido has?..."

Belligerent Councillor: "This will make the Rebels a much greater threat!..."

Logical Councillor: "If we don't get a handle on this, the Empire..."

Makoto: "Do not let your thoughts run away with you!" Makoto interupts. His voice is firm and commanding, but also calm. "After all, they are down in the south! We can deal with them at any time! The Rebels gathering together just means they will be easier to deal with!" With Makoto's voice added to the argument, the Councillors seem to suddenly be working much more harmoniously together. "So...Did I do well, Prime Minister?" Makoto addresses the Minister, just in time for him to slurp down another mouthful.

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